Oliver Goldsmith Primary School

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About Oliver Goldsmith Primary School

Name Oliver Goldsmith Primary School
Website http://www.olivergoldsmith.brent.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr James Simmons
Address Coniston Gardens, Kingsbury, London, NW9 0BD
Phone Number 02082056038
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 439
Local Authority Brent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school is a respectful and welcoming place to be. There is a real sense of community spirit here. Pupils are friendly and kind.

They show good manners. Pupils enjoy being taught about cultures and faiths that are different to their own. The curriculum gives pupils experiences that encourage them to aim high for their futures.

The school encourages pupils to become global citizens and prepares them well for life in modern Britain.

Pupils behave sensibly and enjoy their learning, both inside and outside the classroom. Pupils know they can share any worries or concerns they may have with a trusted adult or place a note in worry boxes in classrooms.

...>All this allows pupils to flourish. They are happy and kept safe in this school.

The school provides an ambitious curriculum for all pupils.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have support to access the same curriculum as their peers. The school provides many opportunities for pupils to experience a wide range of interesting visits and visitors.

Parents and carers praise the school for its caring attitude and for the learning experiences provided for their children.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is broad and ambitious. Subject plans identify the key knowledge and vocabulary that pupils must learn, including for children in the early years. The school's commitment to the creative arts is evident in the high-quality provision in music and art and design.

Staff feel that leaders value them and are considerate of their workload. All staff are proud to work at the school.

Generally, staff understand subject curriculums, including how they are sequenced and implemented from the early years onwards.

Staff are appreciative of the time and training that they receive to carry out their roles and responsibilities. Where staff training has not been as effective, teachers' subject knowledge and expertise are not as routinely secure, which sometimes hinders the delivery of the curriculum.

Teachers check pupils' learning carefully in early reading and mathematics and some other subjects.

However, the school does not check pupils' learning and recall as routinely in all subjects.

Children in the early years settle in quickly and learn to follow the routines of the school day. The school encourages children in early years to develop their independence.

This ensures that they are ready for the start of Year 1, particularly in reading, art and number work.

Reading is treated as a key priority in this school. Staff strive to develop pupils' love of reading.

The school ensures that phonics teaching is systematic. Children begin learning phonics in the early years. Staff ensure that the books that pupils read closely match the sounds that they know.

This helps pupils to read with increasing fluency and confidence. The school ensures that any pupils who are at risk of not keeping up in reading receive appropriate support to catch up with their peers.

Pupils with SEND are identified and get the support and adaptations to teaching and resources that they need, at the right time and in the right way.

Pupils with SEND are encouraged to be as independent as possible.

Personal, social, health and economic education is of a high quality. Pupils are taught to keep themselves away from harm, including when they are online.

They are taught about caring for the environment, helping others less fortunate than themselves and encouraged to be responsible. Pupils are introduced to British values and taught why they are important.

Pupils behave well in lessons and at break times.

Pupils' attendance at school is closely measured and the school's records show that it is improving. There are a variety of music and sports clubs that pupils attend, as well as opportunities for pupils to take on leadership roles including as members of the school council and playground buddies.

The governing body supports the work of the school well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Staff training has not made sure that teachers' subject knowledge and expertise are routinely secure, which sometimes hinders pupils' learning. The school should ensure that, in all subjects, teachers are trained to implement the school's ambitious curriculum so that pupils achieve highly across all subjects.

• Checks on pupils' learning vary between subjects and across the school. This affects pupils' learning and recall of key content because identifying and dealing with gaps in pupils' knowledge is uneven. The school should ensure that staff routinely check what pupils have learned and remembered, and identify and address any gaps in their understanding.

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