Orchard Primary School

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About Orchard Primary School

Name Orchard Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mr Stephen O'Brien
Address Holcroft Road, Hackney, London, E9 7BB
Phone Number 02089857785
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 584
Local Authority Hackney
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils play well with each other during break times. They enjoy the many activities set up outside. Older pupils engage with and support younger pupils in the playground.

They are kind and patient with them. Adults on duty join in with activities and have positive interactions with pupils.

Pupils say bullying is rare and is dealt with seriously by staff.

They are safe and taught how to keep safe online. Peers who are elected as digital leaders support them with online safety. Pupils use the 'problem and praise' box in their classroom to report any worries.

They can also confide in a trusted adult.

A wealth of extra curriculum activities is o...n offer for all pupils. Pupils take part in clubs such as chess, karate and gardening.

They enjoy school visits and are particularly excited about their residential trips in Year 5 and 6.

Pupils are taught all subjects in the national curriculum. They start to learn Spanish in the nursery and become confident in the language as they move up the school.

They can apply to be language ambassadors or class language captains. Pupils enjoy their weekly music lessons. Many pupils choose to join the school choir and have extra lessons in additional instruments such as drumming, violin, guitar and keyboard.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The teaching of reading is very strong. School leaders have created a detailed phonics programme. It is taught consistently from Nursery through to Year 2.

Pupils falling behind are identified quickly. Staff are then deployed to work with those pupils. Interventions are well planned and pupils make rapid progress.

Training for all staff is regular. Experienced teachers model sessions and team-teach with other staff. Staff promote a love of reading across the school.

They read daily to their class and expose pupils to high-quality texts. As a result, pupils can talk about their favourite authors and books with enthusiasm.

Leaders have made curriculum design a priority.

Their curriculum is ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They have clearly identified the subject knowledge they want covered. In most subjects, pupils build on this knowledge as they move up the school.

Older pupils can refer to learning from previous years. For example, they can remember learning Spanish songs in the Nursery, moving on to numbers in Year 1. They are now writing in full sentences and using conjunctions.

In music, new skills and knowledge are taught systematically from early years through to Year 6 in a logical progression. This helps pupils to become confident musicians.

In history, pupils show good understanding.

They discuss similarities and differences across periods of time. They make links across topics to larger themes such as invaders. They can give examples of how the Anglo Saxons, Vikings and Romans invaded Britain in different ways.

Similar improvements to those made in the history curriculum are now being undertaken in geography. In mathematics, the curriculum also helps pupils to build knowledge over time. In computing, curriculum plans are in place and lessons are well resourced, but teachers are not always clear of the links they need to make to prior learning.

As a result, pupils struggle to remember them. Assessment procedures in computing are not as established as they are in other subjects.

Staff are given regular, bespoke professional development.

Subject-specific training is delivered in house and through links with the other federation schools. Expectations are high for all pupils and staff. Leaders have structures in place to support well-being.

Despite this, some said that they struggle with workload and report being overwhelmed. Leaders, including governors, do not always act quickly enough to implement support for individuals where need is identified.

Pupils' behaviour is well managed.

The school's behaviour policy and systems are followed consistently by all adults. Leaders keep detailed behaviour logs which are regularly analysed. Support is put in place for pupils who need it, including those with SEND.

Most pupils behave well in class. Some pupils, however, disrupt learning for others. Adults have to remind them of the expectations and encourage them to focus on their work.

Leaders have embedded rigorous attendance systems which have improved over all attendance for pupils.

In early years, a range of quality activities are planned for every day. Appropriate risk-taking activities support children in their physical development, as well as their confidence.

Children are encouraged to be independent and forge positive relationships with their peers. Older pupils apply for many responsibilities across the school. Leaders place great importance on gathering the views of pupils.

An extensive list of clubs and trips are on offer and are very well attended. Themed weeks such as 'family' and 'enterprise' week promote community spirit.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders, including governors, make sure all staff receive regular training and updates. The culture of safeguarding is well embedded, and staff identify and report concerns immediately. They are aware of what signs they should look out for.

Leaders have thorough processes in place. They work effectively with outside agencies to provide the best support for the pupils and their families.

Safer recruitment guidelines are followed rigorously.

School leaders understand the risks pupils face in the local community. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe and are regularly updated on how to keep safe online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders have provided clear intent for all curriculum subjects.

Most subjects identify the end points to be reached by pupils, and assessment routines are made explicit to teachers. This is not the case in every subject. In computing, for example, teachers cannot confidently tell how much pupils know and remember.

Pupils are not able to articulate their learning and how it has built up over time. Leaders must ensure that assessment opportunities are established and effective in all subjects. ? Leaders have extremely high expectations for all staff.

However, notwithstanding support structures in place, some struggle with workload and feel overwhelmed. Although leaders have identified these concerns, they have not been addressed quickly enough. In consultation with staff, leaders should take effective action to reduce unnecessary workload.

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