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Pupils are happy at Orchard Primary School. This is an inclusive school.
Leaders make sure that their aspirational vision for the 'Orchard child' becomes a reality. Pupils try hard to realise this goal, including children in the early years. Pupils are kind and caring towards each other.
Many pupils join the school during the academic year. The school helps pupils to settle quickly. When pupils leave school, they are prepared well for the next stage of their education.
The school has high expectations for pupils' achievement, including for children in the early years. The school has designed an ambitious curriculum. Pupils can recall subject-specific words an...d knowledge well in some subjects.
Other subjects continue to be developed. In these subjects, the curriculum is not always adapted appropriately to meet pupils' needs or build on what they already know.
Pupils are enthusiastic about the school clubs and educational visits on offer.
Pupils enjoy enrichment experiences, such as sports events and performing music. These carefully planned activities help to develop pupils' talents and interests. Pupils feel valued and supported in all that they do.
They are taught how to develop their independence and overcome any challenges they may face.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed an ambitious curriculum that helps pupils to build their knowledge and understanding over time. Most pupils are well prepared for each stage of their education.
In the early years, children are encouraged to develop independence and to recognise their feelings. Leaders prioritise the development of pupils' spoken language. For example, children in Nursery learn important vocabulary related to the topics they are learning.
Stories and rhymes help to promote a love of books.
Reading is a priority throughout the school. Reading outcomes have consistently improved.
The school has carefully selected the books pupils will study from early years to Year 6. This means that pupils read a rich range of texts that they may not otherwise experience. Pupils learn to read in a systematic and rigorous way.
This starts in the early years. Through regular checks, pupils who fall behind are swiftly identified. The school gives them the additional support they need to catch up quickly.
Reading is promoted and celebrated in many ways, such as during assemblies.
Teachers use their subject knowledge to design learning activities that help most pupils to learn the expected knowledge. The school accurately identifies the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Staff use this information appropriately to enable them to learn alongside their peers.However, in a small number of subjects, the curriculum is relatively new. In these subjects, some pupils have gaps in their learning.
This is because learning is not always well adapted to meet pupils' needs, including those with SEND.Pupils are engaged and motivated in lessons. They take pride in their work and enjoy talking about their learning.
Pupils are curious, polite and friendly. They behave well. Warm relationships with their teachers are the foundation of this behaviour and conduct.
There is no disruption to lessons. Pupils play together happily at breaktimes. Pupils share equipment and take turns.
Most pupils attend school regularly. If leaders identify that a pupil's attendance is of concern, they are quick to take action to encourage pupils to attend school regularly.
Leaders collaborate well with parents and carers, as well as external agencies.
Leaders have prioritised pupils' personal development. They have ensured that the curriculum extends beyond the academic. For example, pupils are taught to care for the environment and develop an understanding of the importance of respecting nature.
Pupils are taught about British values and develop an understanding that everyone has the right to be treated equally. They show respect for each other's differences, including different faiths and cultures.
Leaders and the governing body understand the school's strengths and areas to develop.
Staff feel that leaders support them well with their workload and well-being. However, some of the governing body's checks, as well as its oversight, of the school's work are not robust enough. The governing body does not identify the impact of improvements in the provision, such as the impact of curriculum adaptations to meet pupils' needs.
Therefore, the governing body does not always get accurate reports or a record of the school's improvement work.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, checks of pupils' knowledge are not used effectively to adapt the curriculum, including for pupils with SEND.
As a result, pupils' misconceptions or gaps in their knowledge are not identified and addressed. The school should use the information it has about the gaps in pupils' knowledge to adapt the curriculum appropriately to meet all pupils' needs. ? Leaders, including the governing body, have limited information or processes for checking aspects of the school's provision.
This includes understanding the impact of adaptations to the curriculum for pupils with SEND, monitoring of the support pupils receive, including in reading, and the effectiveness of strategies to improve attendance and behaviour further. The school should ensure that checks on the quality of all aspects of the school's provision are robust and precise. The school should ensure that actions are timely and effective in bringing about the necessary improvements.