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Pupils thrive in this school. Adults rightly take a keen interest in the welfare of pupils. Pupils trust adults and are looked after well.
They form very positive relationships with one another and show a genuine care for their friends. Pupils appointed as 'well-being ambassadors' and 'big buddies' support younger pupils at playtimes. All this contributes to pupils feeling happy, safe and part of the school family.
As one pupil said, 'This school is fun and caring.'
The trust supports the school to ensure that there are high expectations for all pupils. Pupils experience a vibrant and interesting curriculum that inspires them to learn.
As a result, ...pupils thrive and develop a wide range of knowledge and skills across the curriculum. Although some pupils fell behind in their reading and mathematics in the past, the school has acted swiftly and effectively to help these pupils to catch up.
Pupils behave well.
They uphold the school value of respect. For example, they move around the school in a thoughtful and orderly manner. While some pupils can occasionally be unkind, adults deal with this quickly and effectively to help pupils to learn how to behave well.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school provides an ambitious curriculum. Staff match the curriculum to the needs and interests of pupils. For example, pupils learn about a range of local artists and historical figures from their community.
Teachers receive training that helps them to refine and develop their teaching. Teachers are clear about what to teach. Teachers make sure that pupils remember what they have learned.
While pupils in mixed-age classes develop their knowledge well overall, this is at times not as challenging in other subjects as it is in English and mathematics. This means some older pupils in mixed-age classes do not learn as deeply as they could.
The school ensures that pupils learn to read and develop their mathematical knowledge well.
Pupils are catching up quickly after the low attainment seen in the school's results in 2023. Governors and trustees diligently make sure that the school makes necessary improvements. The trust supports the school in the effective delivery of phonics, helping teachers to improve outcomes for pupils.
Staff workload is carefully reviewed to make sure that they are not overwhelmed and can focus their efforts fully in the classroom. Staff check what pupils know and provide helpful additional support for pupils who need to catch up. Children in the early years develop a love of stories and learn how to count with confidence.
Adults help them to explore what they learn in class through a range of activities that reinforce their understanding. Teachers select texts that support older pupils to improve their reading fluency and comprehension.
Teachers identify the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well.
Pupils in the school's 'Reef' class receive an individualised curriculum that supports their needs effectively. Adults support pupils in class when they find learning difficult. This is more established in reading and mathematics.
In subjects beyond these, teachers do not routinely think through the adaptations needed to meet pupils' needs. As a result, some pupils struggle to access work independently without additional support from adults in class.
Pupils behave well in class.
While attendance is low for some pupils, the school ensures that poor attendance is not tolerated. The school supports pupils to make improvements in their attendance. This includes linking with outside agencies who support both pupils and their families.
As a result, pupils' attendance is improving.
The school provides a wide range of opportunities to nurture, develop and stretch pupils' talents and interests. Pupils learn about the school's values of cooperation, achievement, respect and empathy through a wide range of activities.
For example, pupils learn about the importance of democracy in history. They can articulate the importance of the values that drive life in modern Britain. Pupils who are appointed to the 'junior leadership team' meet with the headteacher.
They discuss improvements that pupils would like to see in the school. The many roles such as these help pupils to have a genuine voice in the running of the school. The school provides pupils with a wide range of clubs and activities.
These ensure that all pupils develop their wider interests and skills well. For example, pupils in the choir participate in a range of performances in their locality.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects beyond English and mathematics, the curriculum for older pupils in mixed-age classes sometimes lacks enough challenge. This means that pupils do not always deepen their learning as much as they could. Teachers should ensure that older children in mixed-age classes are challenged to develop the knowledge and skills so that they achieve highly across the curriculum.
• While adults respond to the needs of pupils with SEND in English and mathematics well, support is less effective across other subjects. As a result, some pupils with SEND struggle to learn without the support of an adult. The school needs to ensure that teachers use and apply a range of strategies to adapt teaching to support pupils with SEND more effectively so they achieve their full potential.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.