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Pupils at Oreston Community Academy enjoy coming to school and love to learn. Relationships between pupils and adults are respectful and positive. Adults have high expectations for pupils' behaviour.
Pupils respond well to these. They behave well in lessons and around the school.
During social times, pupils of all ages play together well.
They use the wide range of play equipment sensibly. Pupils are considerate of others. They understand that treating everyone equally is important.
Pupils attend school regularly. They enjoy being part of the school community. They are proud of their roles of responsibility, including being a member of the school par...liament, the 'Young Enterprise Team' (YET) and the eco-team.
Pupils enjoy deciding how to spend funds to improve their school.
Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) learn well here.
From Nursery Year, children are curious and interested in what they are learning. They are keen to share their ideas and are proud of their work.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
With support from the trust, leaders have been relentless in their drive to improve the quality of the school's curriculum.
They are ambitious for all pupils, including those with SEND.
Leaders have prioritised reading. This begins as soon as children join the school in Nursery Year.
There is a strong focus on developing oracy and vocabulary. This prepares children well for Reception Year. Right from the start, children learn to recognise letters and sounds.
The effective teaching of phonics means that children learn to read words and sentences with fluency. Staff quickly identify pupils who need additional support. Pupils receive appropriate support that ensures that they keep up with their peers.
Pupils read books that match the sounds that they know. This helps them to be confident and enthusiastic readers.
Older pupils read a wide range of books by different authors.
The systematic reading programme ensures they read books that match their comprehension level. Pupils enjoy the books their teachers read to them. They use the school library effectively to select appropriate books to read at home.
Pupils respond well to the reading challenge, and many have received the 'bronze badge' award for reading often at home.
Leaders have designed a well-sequenced curriculum that identifies what they want pupils to learn and by when. In mathematics, children in Nursery Year begin to recognise numbers to five.
This builds in key stage 1, where pupils use repeated addition to find totals. Older pupils use their knowledge of number and apply it to more complex concepts. They confidently calculate percentages of amounts because they are secure in their understanding of number.
Pupils with SEND receive the support they need to learn the same ambitious curriculum.
In mathematics and phonics, leaders use assessment to address and quickly rectify gaps in pupils' knowledge. However, in the wider curriculum subjects, leaders do not have an accurate understanding of what pupils know or of gaps in knowledge.
This means that pupils do not build knowledge well over time. For example, in history, pupils in key stage 1 have significant misconceptions about the Victorian period, and older pupils do not understand how historians find out about the past using different sources. Leaders have a plan in place to address this.
Pupils know that being inclusive is important. Learning about other cultures helps them to understand differences and to be respectful. Pupils enjoy activities that help them to look after their mental health.
Those who struggle with their emotions and feelings use the sensory room effectively. They feel safe and find different ways to communicate with adults. Pupils say that a 'trusted adult' in school will help them when they have a concern.
They value the class 'worry box' and know that they will get the help they need. Pupils develop their talents and interests through the broad range of extra-curricular clubs, including yoga, art and Lego.
Staff, including those new to the profession, are fully supported by leaders.
They value the ongoing professional development and coaching they receive from leaders in school and across the trust. Staff appreciate the way that leaders are mindful of their workload and take action to help their well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have established a culture of vigilance towards safeguarding. Staff's mindset is that 'it could happen here'. Leaders ensure that all staff are appropriately trained to recognise pupils who may be at risk of harm.
This supports staff to report any concerns swiftly. Leaders follow up on concerns so that pupils and families get the support they need as soon as they need it. Leaders ensure that the correct recruitment checks are made to ensure that adults who work or volunteer at school are suitable.
Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe. They know about the dangers of alcohol and vaping, as well as those of using the internet. Pupils know that they should not share any personal information when online.
Leaders ensure that there are suitable policies in place to raise awareness among staff and parents about the dangers of sexual harassment, online abuse and sexual violence.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In the wider curriculum, assessment does not effectively identify what pupils know and remember or identify any gaps in their knowledge. Leaders need to ensure that there is a consistent approach to assessment, so that knowledge builds well and any gaps in pupils' knowledge are addressed.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.