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This is a caring and welcoming school. Leaders are determined to ensure that pupils achieve their best and overcome any challenges they may face. Staff know pupils as individuals and support them to feel safe and cared for.
Staff work together to raise pupils' aspirations and help them achieve their goals.
The values of 'be ready, be respectful and be responsible' are shared throughout. Staff work hard to ensure pupils make the right choices in their behaviour, and to prepare them for life beyond school.
Pupils behave well. They display positive attitudes to learning and are respectful to staff, visitors and each other. Pupils move around the school in a sens...ible manner and lessons are typically calm.
Bullying is not a problem.
Leaders place a strong emphasis on supporting pupils' personal development. As part of their 'character education', pupils learn about health and well-being.
Pupils also develop their understanding of fundamental British values, equality and diversity.
The majority of parents are pleased with the school's support for their children. Many speak highly of the school.
One comment, in response to Ofsted's survey, noted that 'The school is shaping my child into being an independent and individual human being.' Inspection evidence supports this view.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have thought carefully about what they want pupils to know and be able to do.
They ensure that pupils study a wide range of subjects. This gives them a positive foundation from which to make their choice of GCSE subjects. Leaders have designed a broad, ambitious and effective curriculum, including for the sixth form.
Teachers consider the order in which they teach subject content, so that pupils can build on previous knowledge. They also use the curriculum to help pupils think about different issues. For example, in history, pupils study a topic on 'migration', which helps foster understanding and respect for different ethnic groups.
Teachers use a range of activities to support and check on pupils' learning. In addition, pupils' positive attitudes enable lessons to run smoothly, and most pupils make effective progress. However, in a few cases, activities are not well matched to pupils' needs, particularly for lower-attaining pupils.
This means that these pupils sometimes struggle with aspects of learning.
Staff are ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders identify pupils' additional needs quickly.
Staff make sure that, where possible, these pupils keep up with their classmates. Pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as their peers. Assessment of pupils' needs is thorough.
This provides staff with the information needed to allocate provision that meets these pupils' needs.
Currently, the proportion of pupils studying the English Baccalaureate qualification in Years 10 and 11 is below the national average. Leaders are taking steps to address this.
For example, this year, interest from Year 9 pupils wanting to study a language at GCSE has increased. This indicates that the proportion of pupils studying towards the English Baccalaureate qualification is likely to rise.
School leaders ensure that reading has a high profile.
They have implemented many programmes to encourage reading for all, and they check on pupils whose reading falls behind. Pupils increasingly see the importance of reading. Sixth-form students work with younger pupils to support them with reading.
However, in some instances, teachers do not make the most of opportunities to help pupils read aloud or practise their reading comprehension.
The wider personal development of pupils is a priority for leaders. They provide careers education that enables pupils to make informed choices about their future in education, training or work.
Through the school's personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education programme, staff teach pupils about keeping healthy and safe. Assemblies, tutor time and trips all contribute to a high-quality delivery of the PSHE programme. The school has links with a range of external partners to support pupils' development and aspirations, such as the National Theatre.
Sixth-form students are good ambassadors for the school and act as positive role models for younger pupils. They are well prepared for their next steps after leaving sixth form. A significant proportion of pupils receive support that enables them to go to university.
Sixth-form students benefit from a well-considered and balanced curriculum that meets their needs and supports their future aspirations.
Governors fulfil their role effectively. They have an accurate view of the school's strengths and areas for development.
They provide clear and decisive strategic direction for the school. They check that the school is a safe place for pupils, staff and visitors. Governors, along with leaders at the school, consider the well-being and workload of all staff.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders provide regular training for staff, which keeps their knowledge up to date. Staff are alert to possible signs of abuse.
The school's safeguarding policy reflects the latest government guidance.
Leaders are well informed about local and national safeguarding matters. They work well with external agencies, including the police, to ensure that vulnerable pupils and their families get the right help.
Pupils learn how to stay safe, including when online. They understand what to do if the actions of others make them feel uncomfortable. They all say that they have a trusted adult to approach if they need help or advice.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some teachers do not consistently make the right adaptations or changes to their teaching to support lower-attaining pupils. In these instances, these pupils find learning more difficult, and this slows their progress. Leaders should ensure that staff adapt their teaching appropriately to meet the needs of all pupils.
• In some instances, staff miss opportunities for pupils to practise their reading or read aloud. This means that some pupils do not strengthen their reading fluency as well as they might. Leaders should ensure that staff make the most of opportunities for pupils to read across the curriculum.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.