Osmaston CofE (VC) Primary School

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About Osmaston CofE (VC) Primary School

Name Osmaston CofE (VC) Primary School
Website http://www.osmastonschool.com
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Jcs Hart
Address Moor Lane, Osmaston, Ashbourne, DE6 1LW
Phone Number 01335343140
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 154
Local Authority Derbyshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Osmaston CofE Primary School is a warm and welcoming place. Pupils value the wealth of experiences that this small school offers.

Pupils are happy in this school and enjoy discovering new learning with their friends. This is reflected in their high rates of attendance.

Pupils share warm and caring relationships with the staff.

Staff know pupils very well and show genuine care for them. Pupils know that adults will listen to any worries they have. As a result, pupils feel safe.

All pupils, whatever their needs, experience a full curriculum. The school's expectations of pupils' achievement are high. This helps to make sure that pupils achieve well acro...ss a range of subjects.

Pupils excel in different sports and like to perfect their musical skills.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), seize every opportunity to learn something new.

This includes trips and visitors to enhance the curriculum and a strong offer of after-school clubs and activities. For example, they relish residential trips and enjoy an Edwardian seaside day. They are excited by the actors who come into school, such as 'Queen Elizabeth I'.

These activities capture pupils' imagination, developing their knowledge, skills, interests and talents.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school provides an ambitious curriculum that builds pupils' knowledge from the early years to Year 6. In the vast majority of subjects, the school has developed well-sequenced curriculum plans and staff have been well trained to deliver the curriculum.

Where there are mixed-age classes, the school has thought carefully how to ensure that the curriculum is sufficiently sequenced and challenging so no learning is missed. However, not all curriculum plans are as well sequenced as they could be. Very occasionally, this hinders teachers from designing learning that helps pupils to learn as deeply as they could.

All pupils learn a wide range of subjects. They benefit from specialist teachers in subjects like physical education and music. Staff use assessment well to identify gaps in pupils' skills and knowledge.

Pupils with SEND receive appropriate help. The targets set to support pupils in the classroom are not as always as clear as they could be. This means that some pupils with SEND do not always receive the precise adaptations and support they need to access learning consistently well.

Reading is prioritised at this school. Children get off to a rapid start learning phonics in Reception. There is a clear structure and sequence for teaching children to read.

They have daily practice in school. Staff ensure that the books pupils read match the sounds that they know. Those who find reading more difficult are quickly identified and are supported well to keep up.

As a result, pupils become confident and fluent readers. Pupils at this school love reading and they enjoy taking books home from the well-stocked school library every week, as well as reading during social times.

Behaviour is exceptional.

Pupils are highly respectful towards staff, their peers and visitors, greeting visitors kindly with a cheery wave. Children settle into school life quickly as staff in the early years are consistent with routines and expectations. Children learn to take turns and collaborate with each other through play.

Each class develops its own behaviour charter. Therefore, expectations are very well understood by all. Consequently, pupils are highly considerate and support each other to do well, and classrooms are calm and purposeful.

The school prioritises pupils' wider development exceptionally well and it is at the heart of everything this school does. Many pupils enjoy special jobs and leadership roles, such as being a buddy for Reception-age children, or a sports coach. These pupils actively support the well-being of others at social times.

Pupils develop their character by focusing on planning events and debating global issues. Pupils talk about diversity and the importance of respect with maturity. They talk excitedly about which clubs they attend.

Pupils engage positively with the local community, for example local litter picks and singing in care homes for the elderly. Careful thought has gone into making sure pupils develop into positive role models.

Staff value working with colleagues in the federation.

Some middle leaders are new to roles and this collaboration is developing leadership across the school. Staff feel supported by governors with their workload and well-being. Staff are proud to be part of the school team.

The majority of parents are very positive about the school, with one comment typical of many being: 'The school provides our children with a nurturing environment, which has helped them to flourish, improving their confidence and helping them to reach their full potential.'


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Not all subject curriculums are as well sequenced as they could be, and the disciplinary knowledge pupils need is not as clear as it could be.

This prevents pupils from developing a deep understanding of some areas of the curriculum. The school needs to continue to refine their curriculum plans so that all curriculums sequence equally well, including the sequencing of disciplinary knowledge. The school should also ensure that all staff receive relevant subject-based training to deliver these curriculum plans effectively.

The targets set to support pupils with SEND in the classroom are not as clear as they could be. This means that some pupils with SEND do not always receive the precise adaptations and support they need to access learning consistently well. The school should ensure that the plans for all pupils who need additional support with SEND include the precise strategies needed to enable them to optimise their achievement.

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