Oughtibridge Primary School

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About Oughtibridge Primary School

Name Oughtibridge Primary School
Website http://www.oughtibridgeschool.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Helen Adams
Address Naylor Road, Oughtibridge, Sheffield, S35 0HG
Phone Number 01142863167
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 413
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Oughtibridge Primary is a school where everyone thrives. All pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve extremely well.

The trust's values of 'trust, collaboration, ambition, responsibility and innovation' run through each aspect of this school. The quality of education pupils receive is exceptional. Teachers have expert knowledge of the subjects they teach.

Pupils, parents and carers, staff and leaders are incredibly proud of their school. Parents share the view that this is a school where staff care for pupils exceptionally well. Staff encourage pupils to be the very best that they can be.

Excellent relations...hips, with both staff and each other, help pupils to feel happy and safe.

Pupils say they love coming to school because 'teachers make learning fun'. They are curious, independent thinkers with a thirst for learning.

Their behaviour is exemplary. They meet leaders' high expectations and follow school routines well. Staff skilfully support pupils to identify and manage their emotions.

The opportunities for pupils to take on leadership roles in school are numerous. Pupils complete these roles dutifully. For example, playground leaders make sure that all pupils play well together.

No one is left alone. This helps all pupils to feel part of the 'Oughti' family.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils benefit from a highly ambitious curriculum, which has been designed to meet the specific needs of the Oughtibridge community.

The school provides pupils with learning that is engaging and exciting. Leaders have given careful thought to the important knowledge that pupils will learn and the order in which this content is taught. Pupils learn exceptionally well across the curriculum.

The curriculum is similarly ambitious for children in the early years, where they get off to a flying start and are well prepared for Year 1.

Teachers have an in-depth knowledge of the subjects they teach. They skilfully check pupils' understanding before new learning is encountered.

This means that teachers deal with any misunderstandings pupils may have quickly and effectively. Pupils' subject knowledge builds well over time. They can talk with confidence and clarity about what they have learned and how it connects to their prior learning.

Leaders are determined that every pupil will learn how to read well. In every class and around the school, pupils are immersed in a world of captivating books and stories. From the start of school, children quickly develop a thirst for reading.

Staff build on this extremely well as pupils move up through the school. Children in Reception enjoy their story times. Older pupils also look forward to the daily treasured time when adults read to them.

Children learn phonics when they start in Reception. Leaders have ensured that staff have the training they need to teach phonics well. Staff use their expert understanding to provide pupils with books that contain the sounds they know.

Staff provide effective support quickly for any pupils who need to catch up. Leaders' focus on this subject ensures that pupils, including pupils with SEND, achieve exceptionally well.

Leaders and staff are highly aspirational for pupils with SEND.

Accurate identification of pupils' needs enables teachers to adapt learning and provide effective extra support. Leaders seek advice and support from specialist staff quickly when needed. They work closely with parents and staff to ensure that pupils with SEND achieve the same ambitious curriculum goals as their peers.

As a result, pupils with SEND achieve exceptionally well.

Pupils' behaviour and attitudes towards their learning are exemplary. They show high levels of respect to adults and to one another.

Pupils are keen to contribute what they have learned and enjoy having their thinking challenged. Pupils' attendance and punctuality are excellent. They are determined and resilient learners who thoroughly value and enjoy their time in school.

The school goes beyond the expected in providing for pupils' personal and character development. The school's personal development programme helps pupils to develop into responsible and respectful citizens. As a result, they have a strong understanding of right and wrong.

Pupils are taught about treating everyone fairly and celebrating diversity. They know why fundamental British values, such as democracy, are important. Leaders have made sure that they have selected a diverse range of clubs for pupils to attend.

These clubs are well attended, and leaders make sure that every pupil is included.

Trustees and governors complete a wide range of activities to assure themselves that the school's systems are working well. This has helped to ensure that the quality of education has remained exceptional over time.

Staff are proud to work at the school. They appreciate how considerate leaders are of their workload. Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school and the progress that their children are making.

They appreciate the wealth of advice and support that they receive from staff. This helps them to support their children's learning at home.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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