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Pupils and staff are incredibly proud to be part of this school. Members of 'Team Oughty' champion one another and recognise each other's strengths. This contributes towards an environment where success is both celebrated and rewarded.
Pupils are eager to come into school and live up to the motto of 'aspiring to greater heights' by rising to the high expectations that the school has of their achievement. The school is committed to promoting pupils' well-being. It expects pupils to treat one another in a way that they would like to be treated themselves.
Pupils behave exceptionally well in school. They listen attentively in lessons. Pupils, including those with special... educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), form very positive relationships with staff.
They trust that staff will help them with any concerns they may have. This helps pupils to feel happy at school.
Pupils benefit from an extremely well-thought-out set of experiences which help them to understand the wider world.
Pupils take their responsibilities seriously. They know it is up to them to make a difference in society. Pupils demonstrate this by engaging with older generations when they help out at the school's weekly local luncheon group.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum. Much thought has gone into shaping a curriculum that meets pupils' learning needs and interests. The school has ensured that the curriculum identifies the knowledge that pupils will learn and when they will learn it.
However, in a couple of curriculum areas, the knowledge that the school intends pupils to learn is not outlined in sufficient detail. This limits teachers' ability to ensure pupils learn all they should in these subjects.
Reading is integral to all that the school does.
Pupils enjoy it. Expert staff ensure that children in Reception and pupils in key stage 1 quickly learn how to read an increasing range of words using their phonics knowledge. Pupils practise their reading using books that match the sounds they are learning.
Children in the early years benefit from purposeful interactions with staff. This helps them to develop in confidence and enhances their communication skills.
The school ensures that pupils keep pace with the phonics programme.
Pupils who need extra help with their reading benefit from the support of well-trained staff. Most pupils become accurate readers by the end of key stage 1. Older pupils typically build well on this positive start.
The school organises author visits, which inspire older pupils to become librarians so they can enthuse other children to read books. Many pupils spoke fondly about reading. They said that it is relaxing and helps them to be more creative.
Teachers thoroughly assess how well pupils learn the intended curriculum. They also identify the additional needs of pupils with SEND quickly. When necessary, teachers skilfully adapt resources so that these pupils learn the same curriculum as their classmates.
Staff are united in their view that additional needs should not be a barrier to learning. This helps pupils with SEND to progress well through the curriculum.
Pupils' behaviour is praiseworthy.
They are excellent role models for their school. Pupils' rates of attendance are strong. From the start of the early years, routines are well established.
The youngest children sustain high levels of concentration on the task at hand. Pupils across the school build securely on this flying start.
Pupils benefit greatly from the school's unwavering focus on the wider curriculum.
The opportunities that the school provides for pupils at lunchtimes are vast. The plethora of activities means that there is something for each child. This might include reading in the magical teepee, climbing trees, balancing on the adventure warrior course or digging to find clay to make clay pots.
The school teaches pupils to accept one another and appreciate that 'everyone is different'. The school nurtures pupils' talents and interests to an exemplary level. Pupils have a strong voice within the school.
For instance, the school council was instrumental in designing opportunities at lunchtime and choosing the reward system in which pupils strive to earn their ambassador badges. Pupils enjoy performing in concerts and assemblies. They blossom into confident individuals who are ready for their lives beyond school.
The school benefits from effective leadership. Trustees and members of the local governing committee know the school well. They deploy their wide-ranging expertise with great determination to ensure that pupils at this school make a successful start to their education.
The school considers the workload and well-being of staff. It is aware of the pressures facing staff and takes these into account when introducing any changes.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a couple of subjects, the curriculum is not sufficiently clear about the important knowledge that pupils need to know. This limits teachers when designing learning and prevents pupils from gaining the depth of knowledge that they should. The school should finalise its curriculum thinking in this small number of subjects so that pupils achieve consistently well in all areas of the curriculum.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.