Oulder Hill Leadership Academy

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About Oulder Hill Leadership Academy

Name Oulder Hill Leadership Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Adrian Smale
Address Hudsons Walk, Rochdale, OL11 5EF
Phone Number 01706645522
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1184
Local Authority Rochdale
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils feel proud to belong to this harmonious and welcoming school community.

At the foundation of this community is a culture of respect. Pupils are considerate and kind towards each other. Many said that this gives them freedom to be themselves.

Pupils appreciate that the school is calm and orderly. They understand that the school's rules and routines help to create a positive environment for learning and keep everyone safe. Pupils place a high value on behaving in accordance with the school's expectations.

They conduct themselves well.

Pupils learn the value of serving others. They relish opportunities to contribute to both the school and local c...ommunities.

For example, older pupils run extra-curricular activities, such as chess and history clubs, for younger pupils to enjoy. Pupils take pride in helping people in their local community. For instance, pupils organise food bank collections and send Christmas cards to local care home residents.

Since the school joined the trust, it has taken effective action to improve the quality of education that it provides. There is a clear determination to ensure that pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve highly. In the majority of subjects, most do.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The trust has ensured that leaders at all levels have the expertise required to fulfil their roles effectively. The impact of the trust's work is evident across every aspect of the school. For example, safeguarding processes are rigorous, pupils' attendance has rapidly increased and subject curriculums are ambitious.

In a very small number of subjects, some instability in staffing has slowed the school's progress towards embedding the curriculum. These issues have recently been resolved and, as a result, pupils currently in the school are learning well.

The curriculum is logically ordered.

In the main, the school has carefully identified the important information that pupils should remember over time. Teachers make frequent checks on pupils' learning. Teachers appreciate that the school's strategies to check pupils' knowledge and understanding help to reduce their workload.

That said, at times, some teachers do not conduct these checks as effectively as they could to identify and address gaps in pupils' knowledge.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They use this to explain new concepts clearly and to enthuse pupils about their subjects.

Pupils enjoy learning. They listen to their teachers. This helps to create purposeful classrooms where learning is rarely disrupted.

In the main, teachers deliver the curriculum well. They routinely use the school's agreed learning strategies to promote effective learning. However, on occasion, some teachers' understanding of how to use these strategies successfully is less secure.

At times, learning activities do not help some pupils to embed their knowledge as well as they could.The school has greatly strengthened its provision for pupils with SEND. The needs of these pupils are swiftly and accurately identified.

The school and the trust have ensured that staff have appropriate information about the needs of these pupils, as well as the expertise required to support them effectively. As a result, pupils with SEND learn well alongside their peers.

Most pupils enjoy reading.

The 'Star Readers' challenge encourages them to engage with a varied and ambitious range of texts. Those pupils who struggle to read well benefit from carefully targeted support that helps to swiftly address gaps in their reading knowledge.

The school ensures that pupils are prepared well for life beyond school.

Their learning about different faiths and cultures helps to ensure that they are tolerant and accepting of others. Pupils develop confidence by embracing opportunities to develop new talents and interests. For instance, they enjoy a myriad of extra-curricular activities, from breakdancing to debating.

The school's careers programme ensures that pupils have the information that they need to make well-informed choices about their next steps.

The school places a strong emphasis on developing pupils as future leaders. For instance, members of the student council consult with their peers and use this feedback to enact meaningful change within the school.

They do this with pride.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• At times, some teachers do not use the school's agreed learning strategies as effectively as the school intends.

This means that, on occasion, some pupils do not embed their learning as securely as they could. The school should ensure that staff are supported to deliver subject curriculums as intended. ? Some teachers do not use the school's assessment strategies as effectively as they could to identify and rectify any gaps and misconceptions in pupils' knowledge.

As a result, some pupils develop gaps in their knowledge. This has an impact on their future learning. The school should support teachers to identify and address gaps in knowledge promptly so that pupils' learning builds securely over time.

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