Oulton Academy

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About Oulton Academy

Name Oulton Academy
Website https://www.oultonacademy.org.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Mr John Higgins
Address Pennington Lane, Oulton, Leeds, LS26 8EX
Phone Number 01132059559
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1010
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school's mission is to ensure that pupils leave Oulton Academy as happy, well-qualified and confident young adults. The school provides a vibrant and positive place to learn that pupils enjoy.

The school has exceptionally high expectations for pupils. The relentless focus on oracy ensures that pupils have excellent communication skills. Pupils benefit from the ambitious curriculum the school has created.

Pupils who attend the school achieve very well in public examinations.

Pupils welcome visitors to the school politely. They are keen to interact with others.

They do so with kindness. The friendly and caring environment in the school means that p...upils are happy and feel safe.

Pupils speak passionately about the wide array of enrichment opportunities available to them.

The school ensures that there are no barriers in place for pupils to attend these. For example, the school gives pupils bus passes to ensure they can stay at the end of the day without worrying about how to get home. Many pupils take advantage of the exciting opportunities available.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The highly ambitious curriculum is expertly designed by leaders. There is careful consideration given to how the content of the curriculum progresses year on year. Leaders link with local primary schools to ensure pupils' starting points are known on entry to the school.

This enables a seamless start to secondary schooling to be made in Year 7. Similarly, the school links with post-16 providers to ensure a smooth transition for pupils at the end of Year 11.

Pupils frequently revisit prior learning at the start of lessons.

This helps them to remember important knowledge. They are highly proficient in recalling what they have previously learned. The consistently high-quality teaching means that pupils engage with their learning swiftly.

Carefully considered learning opportunities ensure that pupils are enabled to think independently in every lesson. This dedicated time is known as the 'gold zone'. For example, in history, pupils evaluate various primary and secondary sources as they analyse subject content.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) benefit from the ambitious curriculum. The school identifies accurately the support that pupils with SEND need. The school shares this information with teachers, who ensure that pupils have no barriers to their learning.

As a result, pupils with SEND achieve very well. The high-quality careers information, education, advice and guidance ensure that pupils, including pupils with SEND, progress successfully to their next stage of learning.

The school recognises that reading is central to pupils' success.

Leaders provide many opportunities for pupils to read throughout the school day. For example, on World Book Day pupils read a book written by the school's creative writing group. Pupils who are at the early stages of reading benefit from bespoke support that enables them to catch up quickly with their peers.

Pupils enjoy reading. They speak enthusiastically about the books they are reading.

The school is passionate about ensuring that pupils have access to exciting opportunities that extend beyond the formal academic curriculum.

In life lessons, pupils learn about people's individual differences and world religions. They talk articulately about the protected characteristics, such as disability and race, and why it is important to understand and accept differences. Pupils model this understanding through the positive way that they interact with all members of the school community.

Pupils value the leadership opportunities that the school provides. The school council, pupil leadership team, mental health ambassadors and anti-bullying ambassadors are examples of the roles of responsibility pupils hold. Pupils are proud to organise and lead activities that benefit the wider community.

For example, pupils visit a local care home to read and play board games with the residents. They also organise a sports day for a local special school. Pupils embrace these leadership opportunities in a mature and proactive way.

The school has high expectations for pupils' behaviour. Pupils rise to these expectations. They are polite and courteous.

Lessons have very little disruption. As a result, there is a calm learning environment. When pupils struggle, the school takes considered steps to support them.

For some pupils, this includes carefully planned adaptations to their timetable, such as attending an alternative provision. Leaders use these approaches thoughtfully to support pupils to overcome barriers.

The school is relentless in its support for pupils to achieve regular attendance.

Nevertheless, some pupils do not attend school often enough. Too many are persistently absent. The school recognises that pupils' regular attendance is an area for continued focus.

The school is leaving no stone unturned in its pursuit of excellence in this area.

Leaders are justifiably proud of the school's improvement journey. They are proud to serve the community.

Leaders ensure that they secure the very best possible life chances for the pupils who attend this wonderful school. Those with responsibility for governance support and challenge the school well. This ensures that the school maintains its high standards.

Staff feel supported in their workload and well-being. They are proud to work at the school and are united in the pursuit of excellence.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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