Oulton Primary School

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About Oulton Primary School

Name Oulton Primary School
Website http://www.oultonprimary.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Mr Barry McAlinden
Address Green Lea, Oulton, Leeds, LS26 8NT
Phone Number 01132821344
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 321
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils talk very positively about the school.

They are happy and feel safe. One pupil reflected the views of many in saying, 'The staff are always there for us.' Parents value the school and the improvements that leaders have made.

Parents feel that any worries they have are quickly dealt with by staff.

Pupils' behaviour and attitudes are good. They come to school regularly and on time, ready to learn and do their best.

Pupils say there is very little bullying. Pupils enjoy their lessons and the subjects that they are taught. They enjoy sports activities and playtimes.

Pupils begin to learn to read as soon as they start school. They develop ...a love of reading and regularly bring their reading books into school. This means they get plenty of reading practice, both at school and at home.

Staff set high expectations for pupils' behaviour. As a result, classrooms are calm and orderly. Most pupils are keen to do their best and concentrate on their work.

Pupils who attend breakfast club enjoy eating bagels with their friends and value the good start it provides to their day.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have successfully improved the school since the last inspection. Reading and mathematics are top priorities.

Phonics teaching begins as soon as pupils start in Reception. Teachers regularly assess pupils' reading progress. They ensure that teaching meets pupils' needs and that books match the sounds they are learning.

Pupils who struggle are helped to catch up. Staff read well-selected stories to pupils, which helps pupils to improve their vocabulary and inspires them to read their own books. Older pupils talk with confidence about the books they like and their favourite authors.

Leaders have trained staff to teach the new phonics scheme. The majority of staff do this well, although some are less effective. This inconsistency means that some pupils do not progress in reading as well as they could.

Leaders have improved the mathematics curriculum since the last inspection. Leaders are clear about what pupils from the early years to Year 6 need to learn and remember. The curriculum sets out a clear order for learning and practising new mathematics skills.

Pupils enjoy their mathematics lessons. They get the help they need from their teachers. They use practical equipment, such as counters and number lines, to help them to understand number work.

In the early years, pupils' skills and knowledge of mathematics develop well. Leaders know there is scope to extend children's number skills by further developing mathematics activities indoors and outdoors.

Leaders provide pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum.

Since the last inspection, the curriculum has been comprehensively developed. Most subjects are planned and taught in a logical order. This helps pupils to learn more and remember more.

For example, in history, Year 5 pupils can recall key information about the Gunpowder Plot and talk about the importance of sources of evidence. In a few subjects, work is still underway to refine aspects of planning. For example, in physical education (PE), units such as basketball and football are well planned but aspects of dance and gymnastics are still being developed.

Most pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well. They receive good support to help them make progress in the curriculum. However, in some cases, teachers do not adapt learning for pupils with SEND well enough.

In the Reception classes, good routines are in place and children settle quickly.Children, including those with SEND, become confident in recognising shapes and numbers. They are curious about books and practise the phonics they have learned.

Children make friends, learn to be polite and cooperate with each other. Children in Reception achieve well, so they are effectively prepared for Year 1.

Pupils' personal development is strong.

They learn about different religions and develop a secure understanding of different cultures. Many pupils take part in sports and enjoy a range of after-school clubs. Pupils attending a first aid club were able to reflect on the advantages of being able to help people in need.

Teachers are dedicated and are happy working in the school. As one teacher said, 'Leaders think about our workload.' Governance is effective.

Governors are very well informed and they are supportive of the school. They challenge leaders to do the best for the pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that staff give safeguarding the importance that it needs. Leaders ensure that all required checks are completed before new staff join the school. Staff, including lunchtime supervisors, are aware of what to do if they have any concerns about pupils.

They are appropriately trained and receive regular updates about safeguarding. Staff have good relationships with pupils. This means pupils say there is always an adult to turn to if they have any concerns or if they feel upset.

Leaders work well with outside agencies when necessary. The curriculum helps pupils to learn about personal safety, including how to protect themselves from abuse. Pupils have a good understanding of how to stay safe, including how to stay safe on the road and when using the internet.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• There is some inconsistency in how well staff teach the new phonics scheme. This means some pupils do not progress as well as they should. Leaders should ensure that relevant staff receive necessary support to teach phonics well.

This will enable all pupils to make better progress in their reading. ? Teachers do not adapt the curriculum for pupils with SEND consistently well. This means that some pupils with SEND find it difficult to complete the tasks that teachers set for them.

Leaders need to work with teachers to help them to better meet the needs of all pupils with SEND. This will help these pupils to learn more of the curriculum over time. ? Some aspects of the wider curriculum are less developed than others.

This can lead to variance in the knowledge and skills that pupils acquire. Leaders should continue to support staff in the development and teaching of the wider curriculum. This well help pupils to acquire deeper knowledge and skills across all the subjects they study.

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