Our Lady’s Bishop Eton Catholic Primary School

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About Our Lady’s Bishop Eton Catholic Primary School

Name Our Lady’s Bishop Eton Catholic Primary School
Website http://www.ourladysbishopeton.com/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Paul Loughran (Interim Executive Headteacher)
Address Green Lane, Mossley Hill, Liverpool, L18 2EP
Phone Number 01517222982
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 421
Local Authority Liverpool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. Pupils attainment in reading, writing and mathematics is well above the national average and has been consistently so over time. They make excellent progress overall and achieve exceptionally well.

Children get off to an excellent start in Reception because leadership and what is provided for them have improved significantly since the previous inspection. Teaching is outstanding. Teachers expect hard work and high achievement and use their skills very effectively to maintain them.

However, some untidy work from pupils is not addressed well enough in teachers' marking. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary and they feel very safe in scho...ol. Attitudes to learning are excellent.

Pupils enjoy school and their attendance is consistently above average. Leadership and management of the school are outstanding and have improved since the previous inspection. Leaders focus relentlessly on maintaining high quality in teaching and manage teachers' performance exceptionally well.

The governing body is highly effective in challenging the school to move forward and helping school leaders to build on what has already been achieved.

Information about this school

This is a larger than average sized primary school. The proportion of pupils supported by school action is broadly average.

A below average proportion of pupils is supported by school action plus or have a statement of special educational needs. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for support through the pupil premium is very low. (The pupil premium is additional funding for those pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals, children from service families and children that are looked after.

) The school meets the current floor standards, which are the minimum government expectation for pupils' attainment and progress in English and mathematics at the end of Year 6. Before and after-school care is provided on site by the school. Senior leaders support other schools by taking a leading role in training initiatives for the local authority and the National College for school Leadership.

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