Our Lady Queen of Heaven RC School

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About Our Lady Queen of Heaven RC School

Name Our Lady Queen of Heaven RC School
Website http://www.ourladyqueenofheaven.wandsworth.sch.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Jeremy Tuke
Address Victoria Drive, Southfields, London, SW19 6AD
Phone Number 02087887420
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 236
Local Authority Wandsworth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school offers an inclusive environment that is full of respect and care.

Pupils' all-round development is carefully nurtured, with emphasis given to helping them to become active citizens. The curriculum provides multiple opportunities for pupils to develop as independent, confident and successful learners. High aspirations, centred on the school values, permeate this school.

Pupils live out these aspirations through presenting in assemblies, taking part in external competitions and serving the school in leadership roles.

Leaders have designed and implemented a high-quality curriculum that has both depth and breadth. They make sure that pupils, including ...those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), learn very successfully.

Pupils enjoy their lessons. They engage enthusiastically with what they are being taught. Pupils know and remember detailed knowledge across a range of subjects.

Their outcomes in national assessments are very strong.

Behaviour is a strength. Leaders have recently implemented a new policy which was developed in collaboration with staff, pupils, parents and carers.

This collaborative approach has ensured that rules and routines are lived and understood by all, from the early years up. Pupils are polite and friendly. The behaviour of pupils consistently supports their learning.

Pupils feel safe and are kept safe at this school. They have adults that they know that they can talk to about any worries.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has planned an aspirational curriculum that begins in the early years.

Year-on-year, pupils are exceptionally well supported to develop a rich body of knowledge by the end of Year 6. The school uses the national curriculum as a starting point for its curriculum thinking in all subjects. In some cases, what pupils learn and remember goes beyond national expectations.

The curriculum is carefully planned to ensure that pupils are able to build upon previous learning and practise what has been taught. An example of this is in design and technology. In Year 2, pupils learn about simple levers and pivots, and then use this knowledge in Year 3, when they are learning to make photo frames.

Later on in the curriculum, pupils bring all that they have learned together to make mechanical moving pictures. Teachers think skilfully about how best to deliver the curriculum for their classes so that pupils grasp ideas securely and deepen their understanding.

The school uses assessment effectively to check that the curriculum is being learned and remembered by pupils.

In lessons, teaching expertly identifies and then addresses any misconceptions. At a whole-school level, leaders at all levels use their checks on pupils' learning to assess the impact of the curriculum. Where needed, they finetune what pupils need to learn and practise.

The school has prioritised the learning of phonics from the first day of Reception Year. All members of staff receive comprehensive training. The impact of this training is closely monitored and the school is quick to put support in place to make sure that all pupils are successful in learning phonics.

This strong support also extends to when pupils join the school mid-year. Pupils' books are carefully matched to their current reading stage. This means that pupils can practise decoding and blending with success.

They enjoy reading. Pupils, including those at the earliest stages of reading, talk keenly about their favourite stories. Pupils appreciate the time that they have to read for pleasure and the support that their teachers give to help them to become better readers.

Support for pupils with SEND is prioritised. Through well-planned adaptations, these pupils are supported to access the same curriculum as their peers. Extensive training is delivered to teachers to ensure that they can help pupils to thrive.

Parents are communicated with regularly and sensitively. This underpins the school's work to ensure that home and school work together as a team.

The school has a clear behaviour policy that is understood and supported by everyone.

This means that there are few behaviour incidents and even fewer repeated incidents by pupils. Pupils show highly positive attitudes to learning, which supports them to know and remember more of the curriculum. Leaders work closely with families to support the attendance and punctuality of all pupils.

Pupils' attend well.

Supporting pupils' all-round development as individuals is given utmost importance. Work for this is interwoven throughout all that happens at school.

This includes assemblies led by pupils as well as a personal, social and health education curriculum that has been adapted to reflect the school's local context. Educational visits and clubs are planned to enhance the curriculum, with emphasis given to making sure that pupils have the opportunity to experience things that they otherwise would not. Pupils are also given additional responsibilities such as play leaders and reading buddies.

They relish and learn from this extra responsibility. Pupils like the way they get to support their wider community, for example through charity fundraising and visits to the local home for older people.

The school has prioritised the professional development of staff.

This means that staff have the expertise to successfully deliver the curriculum. Considerable investment in subject leadership also helps the school to continue to develop and adapt the curriculum. Leaders successfully promote staff well-being.

The work of the governing body is highly effective. It supports the school to achieve its aspirations for pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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