Our Lady Roman Catholic Primary School

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About Our Lady Roman Catholic Primary School

Name Our Lady Roman Catholic Primary School
Website https://www.ourladys.camden.sch.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Associate Headteacher Ms Moya Richardson
Address Pratt Street, Camden, London, NW1 0DP
Phone Number 02074857997
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 238
Local Authority Camden
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish in this highly ambitious and caring school. This is a stimulating and lively place to learn. Staff are unwavering in their determination for every pupil to succeed.

Leaders motivate pupils to achieve the highest academic standards, alongside an ambitious commitment to pupils' wider personal development. Pupils excel in a highly inclusive culture.

Pupils move around school calmly and sensibly.

From the early years, children learn how to behave and to take care of each other. They are polite and respectful to each other and to adults. Pupils have an impressive work ethic.

They enjoy learning and take considerable pride in the work that ...they produce. Pupils' musical, sporting and artistic talents are nurtured, valued and celebrated.

Teachers help pupils to learn about important topics such as equality, anti-bullying and British values, including through activity weeks.

These opportunities help everyone in the school community to work well together. Pupils feel happy and safe at school. Leaders take swift and appropriate action to deal with any incidents of bullying should they occur.

Pupils look after each other with great care. They are extremely proud to take on extra responsibilities in school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils achieve extremely well across the school.

From the early years to Year 6, pupils benefit from an exceptionally well-designed curriculum. Leaders have identified with precision and clarity the knowledge that pupils must know and remember in each subject.

The curriculum is carefully tailored to pupils' individual learning needs.

This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils gain an impressive depth of knowledge. They make strong connections between new knowledge and what they have previously learned.

In the early years, teachers ensure that every aspect of the environment supports children's learning and development. Teachers are skilful in using assessment information to adapt learning to meet the needs of children. This helps children to achieve very highly and to be fully ready for Year 1.

Teachers deliver the curriculum consistently well. They design learning activities skilfully that inspire pupils. They seek ways to adapt and develop lessons to ensure all pupils can learn very well.

Teachers address any misunderstandings and misconceptions immediately. They support pupils' knowledge and understanding through regular retrieval activities. As a result, pupils' ability to recall and apply their learning is striking.

Learning to read is at the heart of this school. Children in the early years begin to learn to read as soon as they start school. Highly skilled staff teach letter sounds with precision.

Teachers deliver the phonics programme consistently well. They have been trained very effectively so that they are experts in early reading. On the very rare occasion a pupil may need extra support, they are carefully guided to catch up quickly.

Pupils' love of reading continues as they move through the school. They take immense joy in reading and story times. Pupils discuss with great knowledge and detail about what they have read.

Leaders have high aspirations for pupils with SEND. They identify and meet the needs of these pupils skilfully. Leaders work closely with staff to remove any barriers which may stop pupils with SEND from learning well.

This means that these pupils achieve as highly as their peers.

Pupils' behaviour is praiseworthy. They are excellent ambassadors for their school.

Pupils' rates of attendance are improving. From the early years, routines are well established. Even the youngest children sustain high levels of concentration on the task at hand.

This leads to no disruption to learning anywhere in the school.

Pupils benefit from a carefully planned programme to support their personal development. It is well designed to ensure that pupils have the knowledge and skills to become successful members of modern-day Britain.

Staff provide pupils with a wide range of enrichment activities. They plan very carefully visits which are seamlessly integrated to the school's curriuclum. This includes visits to local museums and landmarks.

Pupils' understanding of equality issues is profound and detailed, reflecting the values of the school community.

Governors and leaders embrace and relish the challenge to ensure that pupils receive an outstanding education. They identify with precision what the staff need to do to maintain high standards.

Leaders evaluate their actions carefully. Staff reported high levels of consideration for their workload and well-being. They are proud to work here.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have created an extremely strong culture of safeguarding. Staff are well trained and fully understand their role in keeping pupils safe.

They are knowledgeable and vigilant to the signs that may indicate a pupil is at risk of harm.

Leaders work well with other agencies. They have prioritised additional support for families to help pupils receive appropriate support.

Pupils are taught about keeping themselves safe online. Staff revisit this frequently to ensure pupils' knowledge is up to date. Pupils welcome having a trusted adult in school who they can go to if they have any worries.

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