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About Our Lady and St Edward’s Catholic Primary School
Pupils and children in the early years arrive at Our Lady and St Edward's Primary School happy and keen to start their day.
Staff greet them with a welcoming smile. Pupils and staff have positive relationships with each other.
Leaders set out high expectations for pupils' achievement and behaviour.
Pupils' achievement is improving due to leaders' swift action to bring about improvements to the curriculum.
Most pupils, including children in the early years, follow routines and behave well. They feel safe in school.
Some pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), said that bullying happens from time to t...ime. Leaders deal with incidents of bullying effectively.
Pupils enjoy their learning and all of the extra opportunities that are on offer.
For example, they eagerly told inspectors about their recent work to help those in their local community who are not as fortunate as themselves. Pupils also shared their positive views about the different clubs that they can take part in, including yoga, chess and drama clubs.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders' work on the curriculum has led to considerable improvements in pupils' achievement.
The curriculum is ambitious for all pupils, including those with SEND. Leaders have identified the knowledge that they wish pupils in Years 1 to 6, and children in early years, to learn. Curriculum knowledge is well ordered.
As a result, teachers design activities that help pupils to build on what they know and deepen their knowledge over time.
Leaders and teachers use assessment strategies effectively to find out how well pupils have learned what they have been taught during each lesson. However, teachers are not as well equipped to check that pupils have retained their learning over a period of time.
They are not spotting that some pupils do not remember key knowledge. This leads to gaps in pupils' understanding.
Leaders make sure that reading is a high priority across the school.
Older pupils spoke about different books that they have read in class with confidence and enthusiasm. Children begin to learn to read as soon as they enter the early years. Children in the two-year-old provision are immersed in songs and rhymes to get them ready for their future phonics learning.
The approach to phonics is well ordered and taught consistently well by suitably trained staff. If pupils struggle to read, they receive effective support to help them catch up. As a result, pupils become confident and fluent readers.
Most pupils are keen to learn. They display positive attitudes in lessons and around the school building. Children, including those who attend the two-year-old provision, follow instructions and routines well.
However, at times, some staff do not apply the behaviour policy consistently well. When this happens, a small number of pupils do not display the same positive conduct as their classmates. This occasionally disrupts the learning of others.
Pupils benefit from a well-ordered personal development curriculum. They understand how to keep themselves physically healthy. Pupils learn about different faiths, cultures and religions.
They understand what a healthy relationship is and the negative impact of gang culture. Pupils understand what it is like to live in modern day Britain.
Leaders make sure that pupils with SEND have the same opportunities as other pupils.
The needs of pupils with SEND are identified swiftly and they receive suitable support so that they can access the same curriculum as other pupils in the school. This helps them to achieve well.
Staff are positive about working at this school.
Leaders are mindful of staff's workload and well-being. They consider the impact of any new policies on staff. Governors understand what is working well and what needs to improve further.
All of the parents and carers who shared their views with inspectors were very positive about their child's experience at the school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders and staff know pupils and their families well.
Staff receive up-to-date training so that they are able to spot any signs that a pupil may be at risk of harm. Staff report such concerns quickly and leaders take prompt action to act on this information. Leaders work well with other agencies to ensure that pupils receive timely support.
Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe. For example, they understand what they need to do if they receive unwanted attention when working online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Teachers are not as well equipped to check that pupils' learning is being stored in their memories over time.
This means that they do not spot when pupils have forgotten key knowledge. This leads to gaps in pupils' understanding. Leaders should ensure that teachers have the strategies that they need to check that pupils are knowing and remembering more over time.
• Occasionally, some teachers do not follow the behaviour policy as well as they should. This leads to some pupils disrupting the learning of others. Leaders should ensure that all staff abide by the agreed approach to managing pupils' behaviour.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.