Our Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School

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About Our Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School

Name Our Lady of Grace Catholic Junior School
Website http://www.ourladyofgracejuniors.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr S McGrath
Address Dollis Hill Lane, London, NW2 6HS
Phone Number 02084506002
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 228
Local Authority Brent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a caring and friendly school. Leaders are highly ambitious for all pupils, and teachers work collaboratively to support pupils to succeed.

Through the close links with the infant school, leaders know pupils and their families well. Pupils are happy and kept safe. They thrive in this nurturing environment.

The school develops pupils' knowledge and confidence through a rich curriculum and thought-provoking experiences. Pupils excel in their learning. They work hard, achieve consistently well and are articulate learners.

They are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They listen attent...ively, are highly motivated and show respect and kindness to adults and each other.

They adopt a mindset where they see challenges or setbacks as opportunities for improvement.

The school goes beyond the expected to provide pupils with a diverse set of experiences to develop their talents and interests. For example, pupil sports leaders take on the role of instructors during playtime, teaching their peers and younger children a variety of games and activities.

Pupils regularly participate in after-school clubs, such as art and drama. Woven through the curriculum are purposefully planned educational trips, visits and workshops. For instance, the school invites in external speakers to address topics related to inclusion and disabilities.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum thinking is highly developed and ambitious for all, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This is because leaders have pinpointed the specific knowledge that pupils need to acquire, and identified how this will build over time in each subject. For example, in mathematics, Year 3 pupils learn to use angles for position and direction so that, by Year 6, they can confidently compare complex geometric concepts.

In art, pupils revisit and deepen their understanding of drawing in a logical sequence, developing a secure grasp of concepts, including shading, perspective and composition. Across the curriculum, the school's work to make sure that pupils achieve highly is consistently effective.

The school's focus on early reading is at the heart of curriculum planning.

Pupils read a range of high-quality texts with enthusiasm. Teachers model reading aloud with confidence and clarity. They choose non-fiction books that draw on pupils' prior knowledge from other curriculum areas.

For example, pupils read books about the human body which link to what they have learned in science. Leaders have ensured that a well-structured phonics programme builds effectively from the infant school's programme. This provides a smooth transition between Years 2 and 3 and enables pupils who are struggling to read to catch up quickly.

The school identifies pupils with SEND with precision. It uses a range of well-chosen strategies to ensure that pupils with SEND achieve exceptionally well. Leaders swiftly identify any additional needs that pupils may have and ensure that bespoke support is put in place, including in lessons.

Pupils have extremely positive attitudes to learning. They are highly focused and engaged during lessons. Teachers prioritise the most important subject knowledge that pupils need to learn.

They check pupils' understanding carefully, addressing any gaps in knowledge.

Leaders ensure that attendance is high. They have effective systems in place to support pupils to attend school regularly and on time.

The school works closely with other agencies to ensure that pupils' welfare is carefully monitored. This ensures that the school takes timely and appropriate action if there are patterns of concern.

The school has developed a thoughtful and well-planned personal development programme that is rooted in the values of the school.

Pupils are supported to contribute positively to both the local and wider community. For example, the choir visits a care home and pupils raise money for charities. Through weekly assemblies, teachers regularly reward pupils for their achievements and kindness.

Pupils learn about important topics, such as online safety, healthy relationships and equality.

Staff are overwhelmingly happy and proud to work here. The priority given to high-quality professional development for all staff plays a key role in the school's success.

Leaders listen to staff and work with them to ensure that workload is manageable.

Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school and the education that their children receive.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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