Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Catholic Primary School
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About Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Catholic Primary School
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Catholic Primary School
This school has improved significantly since the last inspection. It is now a good school. Pupils achieve well and thoroughly enjoy coming to school.
Attendance is high. The behaviour and attitude of the pupils is exemplary. In lessons, we saw that the pupils were highly respectful to their teachers and each other.
Staff expect the pupils to do well. Pupils have a positive attitude to learning and take pride in their work. When working with their friends, they take turns and help each other.
Older pupils have many responsibilities, which they carry out diligently.
Leaders have made reading a priority. Pupils use the high-quality school library regula...rly and enjoy all the new reading texts.
They talked with enthusiasm about their favourite books. Pupils enjoy all subjects taught in the school. They appreciate all the visits they go on and the clubs available after school.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are provided with opportunities in all areas of the curriculum.
This is a very kind and caring school. Pupils feel safe.
They know that their teachers will deal with any worries or concerns they may have. Bullying is rare. Leaders deal with any instances of bullying swiftly.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Children get off to a good start in the early years. All the children are happy and keen to learn. The outdoor area is a very stimulating space.
In the sandpit, children dug for letters and told their friends what sound the letter made. Working with their friends, they made up their own story and then acted it out on the stage. Teachers encourage children to be confident and independent.
Children are well prepared to start in Year 1.
Reading is a priority and begins the day the children start school. Teachers work with parents and carers to help their children read by providing workshops.
Children enjoy listening to stories. We observed children confidently learning the sounds 'j' and 'c'. All teachers are skilled in teaching phonics.
They follow a structured programme. Almost all the children, including disadvantaged, were successful in the Year 1 phonics screening check. Any pupil who falls behind is given extra help to catch up.
The love of reading is evident throughout the school. The library area is a testimony to the value leaders place on reading. Pupils enjoy reading and become fluent readers.
Pupils are keen writers. Teachers' strong subject knowledge plays an important role in pupils' development. Pupils' writing is well presented.
In class visits, pupils were very focused on using the correct punctuation and grammar. Pupils can talk effectively about punctuation because the writing is well planned. The knowledge and skills that pupils should acquire as they move through the school are set out in a logical order.
The quality of pupils' writing is strong.
Leaders have designed a curriculum that is for the benefit of all pupils. Within this curriculum, reading, writing and science are strengths.
All pupils, including those who have SEND, achieve well in science. We observed pupils who were totally engaged in investigating the impact of orange and milk on our teeth. They learned new vocabulary and knowledge about teeth.
Pupils enjoy music and art. In these subjects, teachers follow a clear sequence of lessons. Teachers are clear about what should be taught and in what order to ensure that pupils know more and remember more.
Recently, the subject leaders have developed plans for history and geography, but they are not of the same standard as those for music and art.
Pupils' excellent behaviour means that all lessons are successful. Leaders use visits, visitors and experiences to help pupils get a wider understanding of the world.
Pupils are reflective and appreciate their own faith. Through subjects such as RE, music, history and science, pupils reflect on other faiths and cultures in the world.
Parents are positive about the school.
Staff are unanimous in their view that leaders care about them. Leaders look after staff well-being. In return, staff dedicate themselves to help the pupils succeed.
Governors are proud of the school. They challenge leaders and give support when needed.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders and governors have made safeguarding a high priority. Through their policies and actions, they keep pupils and staff safe. Staff and governors have benefited from regular safeguarding training.
Leaders provide weekly updates on safeguarding issues, such as neglect. Leaders have built up good relationships and work well with families. Should a child not arrive for school, all staff will follow the school's procedures to ensure that they are safe.
Pupils told us that they feel safe. They learn about staying safe, particularly when working online. Pupils understand their responsibility to keep themselves safe.
What does the school need to do to improve?
Leaders have been successful in planning what they want pupils to learn and in what order in most foundation subjects. However, in history and geography, this is in the early stages of development. Leaders have taken the decision to teach history and geography discretely.
They have produced plans for both subjects. The subject leaders of geography and history need to ensure that all staff have clarity of what should be taught and when in each year group. They need to ensure that checks are carried out to ensure that all pupils, including those with SEND and disadvantaged pupils, are accessing and achieving well in history and geography.