Outwood Academy Valley

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About Outwood Academy Valley

Name Outwood Academy Valley
Website http://www.valley.outwood.com
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Dave Cavill
Address Valley Road, Worksop, S81 7EN
Phone Number 01909475121
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1722
Local Authority Nottinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy attending Outwood Academy Valley. Most meet the high expectations the school has of them.

The school is calm and orderly. Pupils are polite and respectful. Most pupils work well in lessons.

During social times, pupils behave well. Some pupils said that some staff are not always fair when dealing with behaviour issues and, on occasions, some pupils disrupt lessons. Some pupils struggle to meet the school's expectations.

Sometimes, they are suspended from school or removed from lessons.

Pupils said that bullying happens occasionally. They are confident that staff will deal with any bullying issues well.

Pupils feel safe in school.... They appreciate the support they get from their learning managers.

When they start school in Year 7, pupils follow a programme to help them be safe, respectful and responsible.

Pupils enjoy this programme and say it helps them settle into school. Many pupils participate in the extensive range of wider opportunities the school provides. Some pupils take part in 'student voice', and some are anti-bullying ambassadors and peer mentors.

Pupils are proud to take on these responsibilities. Pupils also enjoy taking part in sports clubs and after-school homework clubs. Many pupils enjoy taking part in school productions.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

There is an ambitious and well-planned curriculum in place for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). It is clear what pupils will learn and when. This helps teachers deliver the curriculum well.

As a result, pupils achieve well.

Teachers have good subject knowledge. They explain new learning clearly.

Most teachers use effective questioning to check and develop pupils' understanding of key knowledge. Teachers provide regular feedback to pupils. Pupils respond well to this feedback.

This helps pupils to improve their work and address gaps in learning. In the subjects where this is done consistently well, for example in mathematics and English, pupils achieve exceptionally well.

The school is committed to developing a love of reading in all pupils.

Pupils have regular library lessons, and the school organises many events to promote reading. Pupils make good use of the books in the library. Pupils who need extra help to develop their reading skills receive well-thought-out support.

This helps them to improve their reading and comprehension skills. Most pupils with SEND are well-supported in lessons. Most teachers ensure that these pupils get the help and support they need to access the curriculum and achieve well.

Students in the sixth form benefit from an ambitious curriculum. Teachers in the sixth form have expert subject knowledge and deliver the curriculum well. Students feel well supported.

They have a range of opportunities to develop their independence. They are well prepared for their next steps.

The school aims for all pupils to behave well because it is 'who I am'.

The school regularly reinforces its high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Pupils and staff understand these expectations. As a result, most pupils have positive attitudes to learning.

A minority of pupils do not always behave well. Some of these pupils are repeatedly removed from lessons. This means some pupils miss out on learning.

The number of suspensions is high and some pupils are repeatedly suspended. The school has started to take action to support these pupils in improving their behaviour. This work is at an early stage and is yet to have a sustainable impact.

Most pupils attend school well. They enjoy getting rewarded for their good attendance. Some groups of pupils do not attend as well as others.

The school is aware of this and has provided extra support for these pupils. This is helping to improve their attendance.

There is a well-planned curriculum in place for pupils' personal development.

In 'life' lessons, pupils learn how to be safe online and in the community. They learn about the importance of being respectful to everyone, however different. Pupils also learn about different religions and human rights.

However, some staff do not always deliver the 'life' lessons well. Some pupils do not develop a secure understanding of some important topics. They are not always as well prepared for life in modern Britain as they could be.

Pupils get good career advice and guidance that prepares them well for their next steps.

The school is well led and managed. Staff are proud to work at the school.

They feel well supported. The trust and those responsible for governance provide effective support and challenge. They have an accurate view of the school's strengths and what needs to improve.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The work to support pupils who struggle to meet the school's expectations of behaviour is at an early stage of implementation. Some pupils are repeatedly suspended or removed from lessons and miss out on their education.

The number of pupils who are repeatedly suspended is high. The school should ensure that it supports pupils with more challenging behaviour effectively so that pupils do not miss out on their education. ? The personal development curriculum is not always delivered consistently well.

This means that some pupils do not have a fully secure understanding of some important topics. Some pupils are not as well prepared for life in modern Britain as they could be. The school should ensure that it monitors how well the personal development curriculum is implemented so that any inconsistencies can be addressed.

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