Oxclose Community Academy

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About Oxclose Community Academy

Name Oxclose Community Academy
Website https://www.oxclosecommunity.laidlawschoolstrust.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Amanda Parkes
Address Dilston Close, Oxclose Village, Washington, NE38 0LN
Phone Number 01914195120
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1113
Local Authority Sunderland
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Oxclose Community Academy is an inclusive and welcoming place. Pupils enjoy attending this school and they feel safe.

The school's ethos of 'value diversity, strive for excellence' is central to all that it does. Pupils respect one another. Discrimination is not tolerated.

Pupils are well-mannered and polite, both during lessons and at social times. Staff form strong relationships with pupils and care deeply about their well-being. This allows pupils from all backgrounds to become more confident and independent.

The school has high expectations for pupils' academic and wider achievements. There is a broad personal development and careers programme, which mean...s that pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education, employment or training. As a result, most pupils now remain in their chosen pathway when they leave school.

Pupils, parents and carers speak positively about the wide range of extra-curricular opportunities and activities on offer. These reflect the school's ethos and include clubs such as 'Girls Enjoying Maths', 'Rockin' Readers' and 'The Great Oxclose Bake Off'. Pupils are keen to help others through volunteering.

For example, each year they organise and run a Christmas party for elderly residents from the local community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is ambitious for pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The curriculum has been reviewed and adapted so that this ambition is realised consistently.

There have been significant improvements in several subjects. These have been well supported by the recent move to join the trust. In recent years, an increased number of pupils have chosen to take modern foreign languages and this is now more central to the key stage 4 curriculum.

The school has carefully identified the knowledge and skills that pupils need to learn in each subject. This is taught in a logical order, which helps pupils to build their expertise over time.

The school provides effective training for staff.

This enables teachers to implement the curriculum appropriately. Teachers use questions well to check what pupils know. For example, through using the 'Oxclose Memory Generator' recall activities, teachers routinely check pupils' understanding of previous learning before moving on to new content.

However, sometimes teachers do not use this information to adapt activities in a way that helps pupils to deepen their knowledge as much as they could.

The school has an effective programme to support pupils who are at the early stages of learning to read. This helps these pupils to access the school's curriculum successfully.

Many pupils enjoy reading, and they benefit from visits to the school's vibrant and well-resourced library. Older pupils support younger pupils, with some acting as reading mentors. They speak proudly about these roles.

Pupils with SEND are identified accurately. The school supports them well to ensure that they can access the curriculum in all subjects confidently. Pupils in the school's resourced provision study the full curriculum.

They are fully integrated into school life.A focus on 'relentless routines' supports pupils to behave respectfully. The school analyses patterns in behaviour and attendance well, using this insight to make further improvements.

Pupils' attendance has reduced in recent years. Consequently, the school has revised its attendance strategy. This is beginning to show a positive impact.

However, the attendance of disadvantaged pupils is lower than that of other pupils.

The school's personal development programme is comprehensive. It is responsive to local issues.

Pupils have a secure understanding of important themes such as discrimination, consent and healthy lifestyles. They show high levels of respect for people of other races and religions. A high-quality 'aspire' careers programme is in place, which includes careers fairs, one-to-one interviews and taught lessons.

This supports pupils to go on to suitable education, employment or training.

Governors and trustees have an appropriate overview of the school. The recent move to join the trust has created greater leadership capacity.

Most parents say many positive things about the school. However, some feel that communication needs to be improved, particularly when they raise an issue or concern. School leaders consider staff's workload and well-being.

Staff feel valued and motivated. They are proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Sometimes, teachers move pupils' learning on too quickly. Where this happens, pupils do not deepen or extend their knowledge and understanding of the different concepts taught. The school should make sure that all staff adapt their teaching effectively to allow all pupils to learn securely.

• The attendance of some pupils, particularly those who are disadvantaged, is not as high as it could be. This means that these pupils are missing out on valuable learning time. The school should embed the revised attendance strategy effectively to ensure that all pupils attend more frequently.

• Some parents feel that the school's communication processes are not always effective. Consequently, they are not always positive about the school's actions and decisions. The school should ensure that communication supports all parents to engage positively and fully in their children's education.

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