Oxclose Primary Academy

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About Oxclose Primary Academy

Name Oxclose Primary Academy
Website https://www.oxcloseprimary.laidlawschoolstrust.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs A E Bolam
Address Brancepeth Road, Oxclose, Washington, NE38 0LA
Phone Number 01915008790
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 195
Local Authority Sunderland
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and safe at Oxclose Primary Academy. Leaders are at the school gate every morning to greet pupils and parents with a smile.

There is a strong sense of community evident. At playtime, older pupils act as play buddies. They are responsible for getting out play equipment and helping younger pupils play together.

All pupils, including pupils with significant physical needs, play together happily. They are kind to each other. Pupils cooperate and share equipment fairly.

There are well-established routines to make sure everyone can be involved in activities to suit them. Pupils enjoy interacting with staff at social times.

The school has a...n specially resourced provision for pupils with physical and/or medical needs (specially resourced provision).

These pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are a valued and well integrated part of the school community. Leaders have high aspirations for all pupils. Staff ensure that all pupils are supported effectively to meet these expectations.

Each pupil is treated as an individual, and successes are celebrated.

Pupils and parents believe that bullying is not an issue at this school. Bullying logs kept by the school supports this.

Pupils throughout the school are very clear about what bullying is and ways to report it. Pupils are taught about respect and equality. The school motto 'Forward together: together we succeed' is evident in the positive relationships around school.

Pupils behave well in lessons and are keen to learn.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have made decisions about their priorities in the development of the curriculum. Leaders have ensured that early reading is taught effectively.

Staff are well trained to deliver the phonics programme consistently. All pupils, including pupils with significant additional needs, are taught phonics to give them the best start for life. They monitor pupils' progress in developing as readers carefully.

Pupils who struggle are supported quickly so that they keep up with their peers. All pupils start every day with a 'share a story' session, where they are engaged by lively stories read by their teachers.

Leaders have organised their curriculum so that pupils can build knowledge over time.

In some subjects, leaders have clearly identified exactly what they want pupils to know. This is particularly the case in mathematics, science and geography. In other wider curriculum subjects, this process has been delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The important knowledge pupils will learn has not been as clearly identified. Leaders already have plans in place to address this.

Teachers use questioning effectively in lessons to pick up gaps in pupils' knowledge.

Pupils use 'sticky knowledge mats' and 'vocabulary grids' to help them to remember the most important things they have learned. These are in place for some subjects but not across all the foundation subjects. In some subjects, teachers are checking how much pupils have remembered over time effectively.

In other subjects, assessment over time does not closely match the new curriculum.

Leaders use the personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum to provide pupils with a 'toolkit' that will prepare them for life. Pupils learn about a wide range of topics, including healthy relationships and online safety in a carefully planned manner.

Staff make sure that pupils with SEND understand these important messages. Leaders broaden pupils' understanding of the world through the stories they choose to share with pupils. They learn about diversity and resilience from stories about inspirational historical figures.

Pupils show respect for cultural difference and understand their place in the world. They explain the importance of rules. Pupils undertake a range of roles to teach them responsibility.

Leaders at all levels are driven by the importance of serving the local community and providing children with the best start in life. A parent described the school as 'a credit to the community'. This typifies the views of many.

Parents describe staff as knowing pupils well and praise the communication between school and families.Staff feel very supported by senior leaders and are proud to work at this school. Leaders use a range of external support to aid staff's professional development.

Staff at all levels are developing their leadership capacity. Governors are well informed about the school's priorities. They provide robust challenge to school leaders to help drive improvement forwards.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that all pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe. This begins with the PSHE curriculum where pupils learn important messages around online safety, bullying and healthy relationships.

Leaders ensure these messages are delivered appropriately for pupils with SEND or additional vulnerabilities.

Leaders work closely with external agencies to provide support for vulnerable pupils and their families. Leaders take decisive and swift action to keep pupils safe.

They keep meticulous logs to ensure they have clear oversight of pupils' well-being. Staff are trained regularly so that they know exactly what warning signs to be aware of. Leaders have fostered a culture of vigilance where staff are encouraged to report all concerns.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school's curriculum is not yet sufficiently well planned and sequenced in some subjects. However, it is clear that leaders have already taken action to plan next year's curriculum and to train staff in how to deliver it. For this reason, the transitional arrangements have been applied.

Assessment in foundation subjects is not closely aligned to the ambitious curriculum leaders have created. This means teachers are not always able to accurately check what pupils remember over time. Leaders should ensure the strength of assessment in core subjects is replicated in foundation subjects.

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