Park Academy West London

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About Park Academy West London

Name Park Academy West London
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Suvi Mohey
Address Park View Road, Hillingdon, UB8 3GA
Phone Number 01895430066
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 878
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school is a community where everyone is treated fairly and equally, and where pupils feel valued. Staff know the pupils very well. They build positive working relationships.

This ensures pupils are safe in school.

Pupils behave well during lessons and around the school's site. Clear systems are in place to support staff on the rare occasion that any low-level disruption takes place.

Pupils are polite and enjoy being in school. They feel well supported by staff.

Pupils study a broad curriculum.

In some subjects, pupils develop an in-depth understanding of what they have learned. In other subjects, pupils' knowledge is more variable. This because delivery of the intended curriculum is uneven in these areas.

Pupils have access to a range of wider opportunities. This includes a variety of sports teams, drama, gaming and art clubs. Pupils in Years 7 and 8 all complete a series of assignments based on real-world scenarios as part of the school's 'applied transdisciplinary curriculum'.

Students in the sixth form all take part in enrichment activities. All these opportunities help students to develop a range of skills and prepare them for their future.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

All pupils study an ambitious curriculum, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Leaders have identified the key knowledge they want pupils to learn. The curriculum is designed to build pupils' knowledge progressively over time. Leaders look after the health and welfare of their staff.

They are conscious of the pressures of workload and explore strategies to minimise this where possible. The governing body understands the strengths and priorities for development of the school.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge and present information clearly.

However, activities in lessons do not routinely ensure that pupils practise and master what they are learning in sufficient depth. Opportunities are sometimes missed to embed and consolidate learning. Teachers are guided to support individual pupils with SEND.

However, the impact of this support is sometimes variable.

Some teachers do not routinely check pupils' understanding and address misconceptions. As a result, pupils move on to new content before they have a secure understanding of prior learning.

This means that, in some subjects, pupils have gaps in their understanding. Teachers in the sixth form check students' understanding and address misconceptions with greater consistency. As a result, students build strong subject knowledge securely.

Staff identify pupils who are weaker readers when they join the school. Support is put in place to ensure that pupils who struggle to read gain reading fluency and confidence. A new reading programme is currently being implemented to ensure that all pupils who need support with reading make rapid progress.

Students in the sixth form support younger pupils with reading by becoming peer readers.

Pupils largely demonstrate positive attitudes to their learning. Leaders have clear procedures in place and work closely with parents and carers to ensure that pupils attend school regularly.

Leaders have designed an extensive personal development curriculum. They have carefully considered the risks that pupils in the school may face and encourage pupils to keep themselves safe and healthy. Staff check pupils' understanding of these topics effectively.

Leaders organise a range of outings for pupils. All pupils, including pupils with SEND, can take part. Pupils also have the opportunity to take on responsibility through leadership roles, including as members of the student council.

In the sixth form, the student leadership team helps to organise a series of events and visits.

Leaders make sure that all pupils access high-quality careers advice and guidance. The school welcomes external speakers, including from universities and a range of employers.

A variety of talks and workshops ensure that pupils are well informed of their future options and build important employability skills. Students in the sixth form receive tailored guidance to support their future education and employment decision-making.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school has not ensured that pupils' understanding is routinely checked and any misconceptions identified. This means that pupils, in some subjects, have gaps in their knowledge and are not fully ready to learn new content. The school should ensure that all teachers check pupils' learning and understanding, and identify and address any gaps in pupils' understanding.

• Sometimes, activities in lessons are not well selected to help pupils to practise and master subject-specific knowledge and skills. This means that some gaps occur in pupils' learning, and pupils do not build up and retain new knowledge. The school should ensure that activities are well selected to deepen and strengthen all pupils' understanding.

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