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Pupils are very proud of the school. They enjoy attending because adults help pupils to become independent learners. Pupils understand and value the importance of education.
They are extremely happy and motivated to learn. Leaders have tremendously high expectations of all pupils. They ensure pupils achieve their best, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Pupils thrive here.
Working relationships between staff and pupils are highly respectful. Pupils are polite and courteous.
They show good manners to adults and to each other. Pupils feel confident in approaching a trusted adult if they had any serious concerns. ...Adults deal with any worries swiftly and keep pupils safe.
Leaders deliver an extensive offer of enrichment activities that develop pupils' interests and talents. Staff take great care to include all pupils, including those with SEND, to take part in the many clubs and activities available.
Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school.
They appreciate the purposeful learning experiences and opportunities that enable pupils to succeed. The school exudes a strong sense of unity and community feel.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders ensure that the ambitions for the curriculum are high, and clearly communicated with staff.
Teachers have very strong subject knowledge. They know the key content to teach across all subjects. Teachers build in regular opportunities to check what pupils know before starting new learning.
They help pupils to build deep understanding across different subjects. This develops in complexity as pupils move up through the years. For example, in mathematics, teachers deepen pupils' understanding of handling data and statistics.
Pupils in Year 6 learn how to read different scales in interpreting various line graphs. Teachers support pupils consistently well to use vocabulary correctly when discussing their understanding.
Leaders identify any gaps in what pupils know and remember thoroughly.
Staff are meticulous in identifying and supporting any pupils who need extra help, including in phonics, to catch up and keep up. Adults support pupils with SEND skilfully so that they access the same curriculum as their peers. Staff break down teaching into small steps to help pupils with SEND to achieve highly.
Leaders promote a love of reading that encourages pupils to become 'aspirational readers'. Well-trained adults deliver the phonics programme in a consistent way. They check pupils' understanding effectively.
Staff address any misconceptions swiftly to develop pupils' reading fluency. Pupils, including those at the early stages of speaking English as an additional language, segment words accurately and blend sounds independently when reading. They describe key events, characters, and settings from stories in detail.
Leaders encourage parents and carers to be actively involved in learning how to support their children with reading, including through workshops.
Leaders ensure that staff manage pupils' behaviour consistently. Learning in lessons proceeds uninterrupted because pupils demonstrate high levels of self-control.
Staff inspire pupils to be curious in learning new things. Pupils are inquisitive here. They take responsibility for their learning and undertake additional research.
Leaders' work to develop pupils' personal development is exemplary. Leaders weave the school's values through every aspect of school life. Pupils show a strong understanding of qualities such as resilience and being reflective.
Adults support pupils skilfully to learn how to manage their own emotions and feelings.
Leaders plan carefully for when pupils move from one phase to another in the school and when they move to secondary schools. Pupils are very well prepared for the next stage of their education.
Leaders provide meaningful opportunities for pupils to debate current issues, for example around respect for others and treating everyone equally. This means pupils are very well prepared for modern British society. Staff encourage pupils to understand that there are 'no limits' to what they can achieve, irrespective of gender, culture, or background.
Staff help pupils to respect and understand views that are different to their own.
Leaders work closely with the academy trust to create a positive learning culture for staff which supports the professional development of staff exceptionally well. Staff felt appropriately supported in managing workload.
The trust and governing body support and challenge leaders appropriately. They are knowledgeable about the school and provide strong direction.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Those responsible for governance fulfil their statutory duties to ensure pupils are kept safe. Staff are highly trained to effectively manage the risks pupils may face. Staff ensure pupils and families receive the support and help they need.
Leaders work closely with external agencies to seek advice and guidance in a timely way.
Adults are proficient in supporting pupils, including with their mental health. Staff help pupils to understand how to stay safe online.