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Pupils thrive and feel happy at this exceptional school.
Relationships between adults and pupils are remarkably strong and respectful. Pupils are proud of their school, particularly the wider opportunities that it offers. For example, older pupils spoke in detail about their outdoor learning.
The school is highly ambitious for pupils to succeed, including disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils are curious and keen learners. They have a strong appetite to improve their knowledge.
Pupils achieve exceptionally well. They are superbly prepared for the next stage of their learning.
Pupils' behaviou...r is excellent.
In the early years, children settle quickly into school routines and rules. Older pupils enjoy working and playing alongside younger pupils, acting as great role models. Classrooms are calm and purposeful.
As pupils move through school, they learn to be confident and articulate when expressing their thoughts and views.
Pupils benefit from the impressive and wide-ranging experiences that enrich their personal development. They revel in their many responsibilities, for example as reading ambassadors, play leaders and school councillors.
A rich variety of visits and after-school activities enhances their learning across the curriculum. For example, Year 2 pupils were very keen to share their learning from a visit to a local zoo which took place during the inspection.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has developed a clear and strategic vision.
It has an extensive overview of the impact that the subject curriculums have on pupils' achievements. Trustees are skilled and know the school well. They work closely with the school and provide effective support and challenge to ensure that pupils achieve well.
The school has built an ambitious curriculum from the beginning of the early years to Year 6. This curriculum includes many opportunities for pupils to learn about their locality and to think like subject experts. The school has carefully considered the important knowledge and vocabulary it wants pupils to learn and the order in which this should be taught.
The curriculum in the early years is similarly ambitious and prepares children exceptionally well for their future learning.
The school has developed extensive curriculum materials to support the delivery of the curriculum. Teachers' subject knowledge is strong.
They regularly check that pupils understand and can recall what they have been taught. Any misconceptions are addressed swiftly and successfully. Pupils' knowledge and understanding are checked before they move on to new curriculum content.
This helps pupils to develop deep and rich knowledge over time.
Learning to read is a priority. Pupils develop their love of reading from the beginning of their time in the Nursery class through rhymes and songs.
The phonics programme starts at the beginning of the Reception Year. The school has ensured that this programme is well ordered and delivered well. Pupils learn to read fluently and confidently in readiness for key stage 2.
The school has effective strategies to identify and support pupils who find learning phonics difficult. Older pupils talk confidently and enthusiastically about the books that they enjoy reading.
The school identifies pupils with SEND quickly and accurately.
It ensures that any additional needs do not become barriers to their learning. Teachers skilfully adapt the delivery of the curriculum for these pupils. This ensures that pupils with SEND access the same high-quality curriculum as their classmates.
The school expects the highest standards of behaviour. During lessons, pupils are exceptionally well focused on their learning. Pupils show great care for each other and work together harmoniously.
They are resilient if they find tasks difficult. Pupils' levels of attendance and punctuality are excellent.
The provision for pupils' personal development is exceptional.
A specific programme of outdoor learning supports pupils' resilience, independence and strength of character. Pupils know how to keep themselves healthy and safe, including when online. They speak confidently and knowledgeably about the importance of fundamental British values and link these to the school's values.
The personal development programme secures pupils' understanding of the diverse nature of their community and enables them to demonstrate respect for all.
Staff are incredibly proud to work here. They value the strong team ethic.
The school is mindful of staff's workload. For example, time is provided for staff to develop high-quality documents that support the design and implementation of appropriate learning activities.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.