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Pupils told us they are proud to attend Parkfield Primary School.
Since the last inspection, the school has improved a lot. Leaders have raised expectations of what pupils can achieve. The school's motto of 'success and happiness through hard work' underpins everything.
Pupils say that staff make learning fun and teach them how to persevere with harder tasks. They are learning more and doing better in reading, writing and mathematics.
Leaders and staff enrich the curriculum in many ways.
For example, pupils describe how they enjoy taking on extra responsibilities in the community to earn their 'civic award'. They relish chances to be part of the scho...ol council and eco-council. Older pupils lead assemblies about caring for others and staying safe online.
Every pupil learns to play at least one musical instrument. Visitors to the school and carefully planned visits help pupils to gain understanding of the wider world.
Pupils feel safe.
They say that bullying is rare. If it happens, adults deal with it quickly. Behaviour in lessons is good because pupils want to work hard.
Pupils say that, at times, playtimes can be boisterous. Leaders are alert to this and are making improvements so that everyone can play happily.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Senior leaders and governors have brought about rapid improvements to the quality of education over the past two years.
Staff and leaders have planned an ambitious curriculum. The standards pupils achieve have risen sharply. The teaching of writing is a particular strength.
There is a clear order to the teaching so that pupils learn to write accurately and with flair.
In mathematics, the curriculum is well planned. Children in Reception learn to understand numbers and complete addition and subtraction calculations.
Teachers build on what pupils know and can do over time. Pupils revisit important learning so they remember it well. At times, pupils do not have enough opportunities to solve problems.
In science, pupils remember what they have learned over time. They use scientific language well. However, in some other subjects, pupils struggle to remember previous learning.
For example, in history, pupils cannot make links between events and periods they have studied. Teaching does not help pupils to build on what they already know and can do.
Subject leaders have ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum plans.
However, some teachers lack the subject knowledge to make sure that pupils know and remember more. In these subjects, pupils do not learn as much as they should. Subject leaders are not all effective in making sure their plans are delivered well.
Early reading is taught well. In Reception classes, children learn to recognise sounds and read words confidently. Children enjoy listening to rhymes and stories.
Children take home books that match the sounds they are learning. Pupils in key stage 1 continue to improve their knowledge of phonics. Staff quickly identify pupils who need extra help, and put support in place straight away.
This addresses gaps in pupils' knowledge and is helping them to catch up.
Older pupils read widely. Teachers plan lessons which develop their understanding well.
A minority of pupils in key stage 2 receive extra help to become fluent readers. However, this work is not helping them to catch up quickly enough because they do not get enough practice to read fluently. Not all staff have the necessary subject knowledge to help older pupils with their word reading.
Children in the early years make a strong start. Staff develop children's early communication skills successfully. Children learn early writing skills well.
Leaders make sure that children secure the knowledge they need to prepare them for Year 1.
The leader with responsibility for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) knows pupils' needs well. She ensures that they receive appropriate targets and support.
This includes extra help from skilled teaching assistants.
The school contributes very well to pupils' personal development. Pupils learn to understand and respect others through the curriculum, assemblies and visits.
Reflecting on the school's values helps pupils to be kind and responsible. Pupils work to improve their local community by fundraising and volunteering. Pupils enjoy debating ideas.
They attend school regularly, which reflects their good attitudes to learning.
Governors provide strong support and challenge to school leaders. Governors and leaders have taken positive steps to promote staff well-being.
Staff appreciate how senior leaders take account of their workload and support those who are new to teaching or subject leadership roles.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders make thorough checks to ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children.
They regularly update training so that staff understand potential risks to pupils, such as criminal exploitation. Staff are vigilant and know how to report concerns. Leaders make pupils' welfare a priority.
Pupils receive extra support from staff in school if they need it.
The curriculum helps pupils to keep themselves safe. Leaders make sure that pupils know how to stay safe online.
Governors make regular checks to make sure that pupils feel safe in school.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
A few pupils in key stage 2 have fallen behind in their reading. This is because they do not practice often and apply their phonics skills effectively enough.
Leaders need to ensure that staff have the necessary subject knowledge and skills to support pupils to become fluent readers. They also need to make sure that pupils have enough curriculum time in reading. .
Some subject leaders have not checked how well pupils learn and remember the important content in their subject areas. For example, in history and art, teachers do not always plan lessons which help pupils to remember what they have learned well enough. Leaders need to monitor and support colleagues with their teaching so that their ambitious plans are implemented effectively.