Parkfields Middle School

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About Parkfields Middle School

Name Parkfields Middle School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr James Hughes
Address Park Road, Toddington, Dunstable, LU5 6AB
Phone Number 01525872555
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 9-13
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 460
Local Authority Central Bedfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy at Parkfields Middle School. They have positive relationships with adults.

Pupils are safe. They get a lot of help with their well-being. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) get strong support.

They are fully included in the life of the school. This includes those in the specialist unit for deaf children.

Pupils learn a well-planned curriculum.

This helps them build up what they know. They enjoy learning. For example, pupils describe their science experiments with enthusiasm.

There is a calm and purposeful focus in lessons. Pupils behave well. They enjoy being active with their peers at breaks....r/>
There is no culture of bullying because adults are quick to address any concerns before they grow.

Pupils enjoy the rich extra-curricular experience on offer. There is a wealth of things for pupils to do.

They participate in a range of clubs through the 'Challenge Programme', such as coding, engineering and Latin. Pupils praise the quality of sporting activities. They plan and organise events themselves, for instance the arts festival.

Pupils run their own newsletter and radio station. They have many opportunities for leadership roles. Consequently, pupils' ideas and views get heard.

These opportunities help them develop their confidence and independence.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed the curriculum carefully. Subject leaders identify what pupils need to know to be ready for their next stage.

The curriculum outlines in considerable detail what pupils should learn to ensure this. For example, the reading programme in English builds pupils' understanding step-by-step of difficult content, such as archaic language. As a result, pupils make strong progress in most areas.

This was not reflected as well as it might have been in the Year 6 outcomes in 2023. The school has since reviewed its provision effectively to support pupils to achieve well.

Teachers mostly deliver the curriculum well.

They explain and model learning clearly. Adults help pupils make regular connections with previous learning so that they remember it. This helps pupils develop detailed knowledge.

However, sometimes teachers do not check pupils' understanding as effectively as they could. In these cases, pupils have gaps in their learning that do not get fully addressed. On occasion, pupils move on to new learning without the secure foundation they need.

In most instances, staff adapt the curriculum so that it meets pupils' needs. This is especially the case regarding pupils with SEND. The school builds up a detailed picture of these pupils' needs so it identifies them accurately.

Staff are then trained to meet these needs. This means pupils with SEND receive precise and skilful support. As a result, they do well.

However, at times teachers do not have as high expectations of what some of their other pupils will learn. In these cases, teachers do not adapt the curriculum as successfully. For instance, some pupils find the work too easy and get bored.

These pupils do not develop the depth of knowledge they could.

The school prioritises reading. Pupils still learning to read get the help they require.

This means they develop fluency, and they understand learning better.

The school has high standards for behaviour and attendance. Pupils respond to these well.

Leaders deal with the underlying causes of any misbehaviour. Where sanctions are needed, these are used well. Therefore, incidents are not common.

Attendance is high.

The curriculum supports personal development effectively. Pupils receive well-considered education about future careers.

The school exploits local links well so that they meet employers and providers. Pupils learn about healthy relationships in an age-appropriate way, such as about puberty. As a result, they discuss their views maturely.

Governance is a strength. The trust and governors have a clear vision for the school. They monitor provision closely.

Governors challenge where needed. Equally, they support leaders' work helpfully, such as adding resource for interventions in mathematics. Governors and leaders create a team ethos in the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Teachers at times do not check learning as systematically and effectively as they might. This means they do not address gaps well enough during lessons.

Therefore, pupils move on to new learning before securing the knowledge they require. The school should ensure that teachers get the guidance and support they need to check pupils' grasp of key knowledge. ? Teachers sometimes do not adapt learning in a way that enables pupils to learn effectively.

This means that some pupils do not build up the deep knowledge they need. Leaders should ensure teachers have high expectations for all pupils' learning. They should help teachers to plan learning that it is adapted to pupils' needs so that pupils make the progress of which they are capable.

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