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They enjoy school. Pupils talk positively about how staff encourage them to think about their rights. This encourages pupils to treat each other with respect.
Many pupils join Parklands in older year groups. They settle quickly because of the welcome staff give them. Pupils feel safe and cared for.
The overwhelming majority of parents agree this is so.
Pupils behave well in classrooms and at social times. They say behaviour has improved in the school recently.
Staff manage pupils' behaviour well. In the early years, children listen to and follow instructions well. Leaders have high expectations of pupils...' behaviour.
They have clear systems to deal with the small number of pupils who struggle to meet these expectations. Pupils say that bullying is rare. However, if it occurs, staff listen to them and then resolve problems.
There are a variety of clubs that develop pupils' talents and interests, such as circus skills, baton twirling and tennis. Staff plan visits to places that enhance the curriculum, such as a local castle and an aquarium. This deepens pupils' knowledge.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have improved the school, resolving initial problems relating to leadership, staffing and curriculum. Leaders have created an inclusive ethos. They have raised expectations of what pupils can do.
Leaders place pupils at the heart of their decision-making.
Leaders have established an ambitious and carefully sequenced curriculum. This has been a team effort.
Leaders have carefully developed the curriculum as the school has grown. Senior leaders have strengthened subject leadership. Leaders know the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum.
This helps them to put in place improvements and then review their impact.
Pupils use what they have learned in the past to help them to understand new concepts. For example, in geography, younger pupils use what they have learned before to identify countries on a map.
In mathematics, the curriculum ensures that pupils revisit learning regularly. This helps them to remember the most important concepts in the long term. However, teachers do not implement the curriculum in some subjects well enough.
As a result, pupils do not learn as much as they could in all subjects.
Leaders have made recent changes to how staff teach pupils to read. This has had a positive impact.
Staff use a consistent, systematic approach so that pupils build on what they already know. They ensure pupils read books which contain the sounds pupils know. This helps pupils to become fluent readers.
Teachers and support staff have strong subject knowledge. They use this to identify those pupils who struggle with some sounds. Teachers quickly put additional support in place.
Leaders then check the impact of this support to ensure pupils catch up.
Teachers' checks on what pupils have learned in some subjects are not effective enough. Consequently, they do not know precisely where pupils have gaps in their knowledge.
Leaders encourage a love of reading through awards and newsletters. They offer special challenges and book recommendations to inspire pupils to read at home. Children in the early years retell stories enthusiastically.
Older pupils read widely and speak enthusiastically about their favourite authors and genres.
Staff's work with pupils with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is highly effective. This includes their help for pupils with complex needs.
Leaders have ensured that staff are well trained. Staff identify needs early, including for those pupils who join the school mid-year. Teachers adapt the curriculum skilfully so that pupils with SEND follow the same broad and balanced curriculum as their peers.
Pupils enjoy the well-planned personal development curriculum. They talk passionately about matters such as racism and the importance of equality. Pupils have a sound understanding of a variety of faiths and cultures.
They know the importance of keeping safe online and what to do if they have any concerns. In the early years, staff place importance on building children's confidence. For example, they plan sessions where children discuss work they have done at home.
Staff praise leaders highly. They say that leaders show genuine concern for their well-being. Teachers in the early stages of their career feel well supported.
The trust and the local governing body make regular checks on aspects of the school's work. This enables them to support and challenge the school appropriately.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders ensure the safety of pupils is paramount. They expect all staff to take responsibility for recording concerns. Leaders ensure staff receive regular training.
Consequently, staff know how to identify pupils at risk of harm. Leaders take decisive action, including working with external agencies when pupils and families need support.
Leaders ensure staff they recruit are suitable to work with children.
They check visitors appropriately. The trust regularly reviews the school's safeguarding practices. Leaders amend procedures if necessary.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, teachers do not implement the curriculum consistently well. This means pupils do not learn as well as they could. Leaders need to help teachers to implement the curriculum effectively in all subjects so that pupils learn consistently well across the curriculum.
• Assessment is not effective enough in some subjects. Teachers do not always check what pupils know, so they can address gaps in knowledge. Leaders need to ensure that teachers use assessment effectively to help pupils to know and remember more of the curriculum.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.