Parkview Primary School

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About Parkview Primary School

Name Parkview Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Marie Jarvis
Address Springwood Drive, Oakwood, Derby., DE21 2RQ
Phone Number 01332835439
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 237
Local Authority Derby
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Main findings

Parkview Primary provides a good education.

Pupils make good progress and their attainment is above average. All groups of pupils make similar progress including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. This is because of good teaching and a good curriculum which is well matched to the full range of pupils' needs.

The school is particularly successful in extending the challenge for the more able pupils and justifiably obtained the NACE challenge award. Teachers ensure that they make good use of their knowledge of pupils' abilities to set them appropriate work. However, pupils report through their questionnaires that, although they get good help from adults, they do not all kn...ow how well they are doing.

This is confirmed in their books where work is always marked with helpful comments, but not always linked to well-defined targets which clearly identify the next steps in their learning. The pastoral care is strong and the provision for the few pupils with physical disabilities is outstanding. To support these pupils and to ensure the academic provision and the well-being of all pupils, the school has developed outstanding partnerships with external agencies who provide the support that the school alone could not provide.

As one parent or carer wrote, 'Parkview educates the whole child not just academically.' Relationships are excellent in the school and because pupils are happy and feel safe their attendance is high. Staff lead by example in promoting strong moral and caring attitudes and this supports the pupils' outstanding spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

The spiritual element of this is enhanced by visitors leading assemblies and a focus on art and music, whilst the cultural element is developed through the curriculum and partnerships with other schools and organisations. Behaviour in lessons and around the school is good. Pupils agree that the vast majority of pupils behave well.

However, a small minority of parents and carers think that when it occurs poor behaviour is not well dealt with. Inspectors found no evidence to substantiate this. There are a very small number of pupils who occasionally find self control difficult but the adults respond well and handle the behaviour appropriately.

The written comments from parents and carers suggest that the issue is about how the school communicates with parents and carers about behaviour management after concerns have been expressed to the school. However, the school sometimes has to take action which is sensitive and confidential. The school has made good progress on the issues for improvement identified at the last inspection.

The provision to support the gifted and talented pupils is now recognised by the local authorities and the school is supporting other schools in both Derby City and Derbyshire to develop their provision. The systems to monitor pupils' progress are greatly improved, ensuring early intervention if pupils are not making the progress they should. The strengths identified in the previous inspection have been maintained with significant improvements in assessment, working with external agencies and developing pupils' personal skills.

The school's self evaluation demonstrates they know the strengths and areas that still need developing within the school. The school has a good capacity for sustained improvement.

Information about the school

This is a slightly larger-than-average primary school.

The vast majority of pupils are from White British backgrounds. Very few are from minority ethnic groups and none speak English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities is below that found in most schools and very few have statements of special educational needs.

The proportion known to be eligible for free school meals is much lower than in most schools. The school has recently gained Healthy Schools status, the International Schools award and the National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) Challenge award. A before- and after-school club is held within the school but this is privately managed and subject to a separate inspection.

Also at this postcode
First Friends After School Club

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