Paulton Infant School

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About Paulton Infant School

Name Paulton Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Emily Omell
Address Plumptre Close, Paulton, Bristol, BS39 7QY
Phone Number 01761412354
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 5-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 206
Local Authority Bath and North East Somerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school's caring and supportive ethos provides a safe space for pupils to thrive.

There is a positive culture in this inclusive and welcoming school. Pupils understand and know what the school's motto of GROW (grow your brain, respect and responsibility, opportunity and well-being) means to them.

There is a culture of high expectations of all pupils.

Parents and carers speak highly of the school. They appreciate the care, guidance and support the school provides.

Staff support all pupils to behave well in class and during social times.

Pupils know the school rules. They understand different types of bullying and are confident that adults with it swiftly if it happens. Pupils feel safe.

They talk to a trusted adult if they feel worried. There is a strong, mutual respect between staff and pupils.

Pupils appreciate the wider opportunities that the school provides.

For example, pupils enjoy taking part in Friday afternoon clubs, such as the yoga, storytelling, gardening and mindfulness clubs. Trips, visitors and enrichment opportunities, such as the recent link with a school in Ghana, support pupils' understanding of the world beyond Paulton.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum that consistently sets out what they want pupils to know and remember from early years to Year 2.

For each subject, leaders have sequenced a curriculum that builds knowledge over time. This important content is broken down into clear steps.

In early years, children secure strong foundations for their future learning through engaging activities.

Staff encourage supportive and nurturing relationships, which helps children learn the shared routines of school. This strong start in early years ensures that pupils are ready for Year 1.

Leaders ensure that teachers have a high level of subject expertise.

Teachers and leaders both check pupils' understanding carefully. They prompt pupils to connect and revisit previous knowledge learned. For example, in mathematics, pupils regularly revisit essential knowledge so they can apply this to more complex problem-solving.

In a minority of subjects, the curriculum is not fully embedded. As a result, sometimes pupils do not recall and develop a deeper understanding of what they have learned over time. In these subjects, the expectations of pupils' work do not always match the same high standards and pride seen for other subjects.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) benefit from strong care and support. Leaders support teachers to adapt their teaching and provide extra practice for pupils with SEND. Pupils' needs are identified quickly.

Pupils with SEND learn well alongside their peers.Leaders are determined to ensure that all pupils can read. The class reading areas and library are full of interesting and stimulating books that pupils enjoy reading.

In early years, leaders ensure that there is a sharp focus on pupils' language and communication skills. Leaders ensure that adults deliver the phonics programme effectively. Teachers check pupils' phonic knowledge accurately.

Staff provide extra support to help pupils who struggle to read. This helps pupils to catch up quickly to become confident readers. Pupils use their phonic knowledge well to read books that match the sounds they know.

Leaders have established clear routines so that pupils behave well in class. They have positive attitudes towards learning. Pupils are attentive, and learning is rarely disrupted.

Adults support pupils to build strong relationships. Pupils enjoy the wide range of activities for them at break- and lunchtimes, such as playing with a wide variety of loose items outdoors and having opportunities to play team sports.

Pupils' wider development is highly valued.

Pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is carefully woven into the daily fabric of school life. Leaders encourage pupils to have a broad understanding of people's different backgrounds, experiences and interests, such as celebrating International Day in early years. Pupils understand British values.

They respect others and their views even if these are different from their own. For example, pupils know how democracy is lived out in school, such as when voting for playtime champions.

Leaders provide rich opportunities for all pupils.

They have a shared aspiration for every pupil to flourish. Governors are knowledgeable and know the school's strengths and areas to improve well. Leaders are mindful of staff workload and take appropriate action to support staff well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders are vigilant in ensuring the safety of children. Safeguarding training ensures that staff are confident to notice and report any signs of concern.

Leaders' actions bring about positive changes for pupils and families. Leaders work closely with external agencies. Leaders seek out the right support for pupils and their families and act quickly for families in need.

The procedures for the safe recruitment of staff are thorough.

Pupils are taught how to stay safe and about the dangers of being online. They know what to do if they are worried about using the internet.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The curriculum is not fully embedded in all subjects. As a result, sometimes pupils do not develop a secure understanding of essential knowledge to make connections with their learning. Leaders need to ensure that the curriculum is embedded across the school so that pupils develop a deeper knowledge over time.

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