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This is a good school Since the last inspection, trustees, governors, leaders and staff have worked tirelessly to improve the quality of education on offer. Typically, the quality of teaching, learning and assessment is now consistently good across the school. Consequently, most pupils make strong progress in their learning.
Standards are continually rising. Over time, all pupils' progress at the end of key stage 2 in reading and mathematics has been well below average. This was particularly the case for disadvantaged pupils.
Leaders' actions have been effective in improving most current pupils' progress in these subjects. Trustees and governors use their expe...rtise effectively to provide a good level of challenge and support to senior leaders. They have a good understanding of the school's performance.
Pupils' behaviour is good. They are friendly and respectful. They are courteous to each other, adults and visitors.
Pupils told inspectors they feel safe at school. They are taught well how to keep themselves safe in different situations. Leaders' work to raise pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness is effective.
Pupils are well prepared to be good citizens of modern Britain. Leaders have skilfully crafted a curriculum that provides pupils with opportunities to gain good knowledge, understanding and skills in a wide range of subjects. Sometimes, teachers do not provide pupils with enough opportunities to apply their mathematical skills in science.
This affects pupils' progress. Although teaching of reading is good overall, sometimes there are inconsistencies across year groups in developing pupils' comprehension skills. This hinders pupils' progress.
Sometimes, the most able pupils are not sufficiently challenged in their learning. As a result, these pupils do not make the progress of which they are capable. Staff in the early years offer children exciting activities to support them in their learning and development.
Children make good progress from their starting points. However, sometimes adults do not use their assessments thoroughly to fully support children's learning and progress.
Information about this school
Peareswood Primary school is part of the Woodland Academy Trust, which is a multi-academy trust.
The trust comprises of members, board of trustees and the regional governing board for Bexley schools. Governors from the regional board hold senior leaders to account for the quality of teaching and outcomes for pupils, and they report to the board of trustees. Trustees hold senior leaders to account for all aspects of the school's work.
Since the last inspection, there have been significant changes to the leadership team at all levels. The local governing body of the school ceased in August 2018. It was replaced by the regional governing body.
There were changes to the appointments of chair of the board of trustees and the chief executive officer. The executive head was appointed as headteacher in September 2017, and then as executive head in September 2018. The former deputy headteacher was appointed as head of school in September 2018.
This school is larger than the average-sized primary school. The school is in the top 20% of all schools for the proportion of pupils eligible for free school meals. The proportion of pupils with SEND is higher than the national average.