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This is a good school This is a good and improving school. Leaders and governors have managed the transition from an infant school to a full primary school very well and it is clear that the school is on a firm upward trajectory.
The headteacher is an experienced and knowledgeable leader. She has a very clear vision for the school and is highly effective in putting her vision into action. The headteacher is supported well by an effective senior leadership team.
Roles and responsibilities are distributed well, ensuring that all areas of the school are covered fully. Pupils make good progress in English, mathematics and a wide range of other subjects. Teaching i...s good throughout the school.
Relationships between staff and pupils are strong and this ensures that classrooms are happy and productive places. Pupils behave extremely well and show excellent attitudes to learning. They are polite, respectful and courteous towards each other, to adults and to visitors to the school.
The early years provides children with an outstanding start to their education. The provision is particularly well led and the quality of teaching results in children making rapid progress. The school's marking and feedback policy is followed more closely in some classes and year groups than others.
In some classes and year groups, the challenge provided for the most able pupils is not hard enough. Where this is the case, pupils, including the most able disadvantaged pupils, do not make the rapid progress that they are capable of. Governors are not fully effective in holding the school's leaders to account.
Information about this school
The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website. The school has changed significantly since it was last inspected eight years ago. At the time of the previous inspection, Peartree was an infant school, with pupils attending the school from Reception until Year 2.
The junior school that shared the same site closed on 31 August 2014. The infant school extended its age range to include key stage 2 pupils on 1 September 2014. Prior to its closure, the predecessor junior school was inspected in February 2014 and was judged to require improvement.
The school had been in a category of concern and was judged to require special measures, from September 2012 until this point. The school did not meet current floor standards in 2016. These are the minimum standards, set by the government, for pupils' attainment and progress.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.