Peel Common Primary School and Nursery

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About Peel Common Primary School and Nursery

Name Peel Common Primary School and Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Zoe Dudley
Address The Drive, Rowner, Gosport, PO13 0QD
Phone Number 01329281206
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 152
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to school.

They show pride in their work and interest in learning. Pupils find teachers to be kind and supportive. Pupils know that staff expect them to work hard and do their best.

All who work at the school have high expectations of pupils, whatever their needs or circumstances. Pupils rise to meet these expectations and achieve well.

The school is a calm and orderly place, focused on helping pupils to learn.

Occasionally, a very few pupils struggle to behave. Nevertheless, staff understand their needs and help to manage pupils' behaviour very well.

Pupils are safe in school.

They trust staff to look after them... and to deal with any concerns quickly and without fuss. Bullying is rare. Pupils have a strong sense of responsibility, so they report incidents if they see them happening.

Staff make sure that any suspected bullying is nipped in the bud.

Many parents and carers highlight the positive atmosphere in the school. They particularly appreciate the way that the school enables each pupil to flourish.

One parent said: 'The headteacher and the staff team make sure every child can shine in one way or another.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The headteacher and senior leaders have built a culture of high expectations. All staff fully support this.

Parents are positive about the improvements that have happened since the previous inspection.

Senior leaders are determined that all pupils will become fluent, enthusiastic readers. They see reading as 'central to everything'.

Teachers choose exciting and interesting books for reading lessons. Books and stories also enliven wider curriculum subjects. For example, pupils in Year 5 used 'Goodnight Mr Tom' to understand about life for evacuees in the Second World War.

Pupils enjoy reading.The school's curriculum covers the full range of subjects in the national curriculum. Teachers sequence learning carefully so that lessons build on what pupils have already learned in school.

For example, pupils learn about the Mayans in Year 6. Teachers first make sure that pupils revisit their earlier learning about the Romans. This helps pupils to see the similarities and differences between the two civilisations.

Teachers use this same careful planning across the whole curriculum.

Senior leaders make sure that teachers have the expertise to teach a wide range of subjects well. As a result, teachers make learning interesting and appealing to pupils.

This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers adapt lessons skilfully so that all can be involved.Pupils achieve well in a wide range of subjects, including reading and mathematics.

However, they achieve less well in writing. Pupils do not always transfer their knowledge of grammar and punctuation to their writing. Leaders are aware of this and have started to tackle this weakness.

Most pupils with SEND have their needs met well, and they achieve well. A few of these pupils achieve less well because staff are not entirely clear about their exact needs. Staff provide strong support for those pupils who may require additional support to manage their behaviour.

The number of fixed-term exclusions has reduced considerably.

The school provides very well for pupils' personal development. Staff know pupils well.

They look out for any worries that pupils may have and offer help and encouragement when needed. Many parents highlighted this as a particular strength of the school. Pupils behave well, and this helps them become successful learners.

Pupils enjoy a range of healthy, active opportunities and clubs. These include cross-country, cheerleading and an annual 'fun-mudder' event. Every disadvantaged pupil has access to at least one healthy after-school activity each week.

Pupils love taking on the many positions of responsibility in the school. The prefects wear their red sweatshirts with pride. They carry out a range of jobs diligently.

Pupils understand, appreciate and respect difference in the world. They are very clear that all people should be treated in the same fair way.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff understand how to look after pupils. This is because leaders make sure that all who work at the school receive up-to-date training. Staff recognise and report concerns, however small.

They record anything that does not look right. This level of vigilance permeates the school and makes sure that pupils are safe.

Pupils learn how to stay safe in a range of situations, including on the roads and when online.

They understand that people online may not be who they claim to be and must be treated with caution.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Pupils do not achieve as well in writing as they do in other subjects. They do not systematically apply grammar and punctuation rules to their own writing.

Leaders recognise this and have started to make changes. Senior leaders should make sure that pupils' outcomes in writing improve. .

Leaders understand the needs of most pupils with SEND, and they meet them well. However, for a few pupils, staff have not reached a clear understanding of their precise needs. Senior leaders should ensure that staff are equipped with the tools and expertise needed to assess these pupils' needs and thus enable these pupils to make stronger progress.

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