Pegswood Primary School

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About Pegswood Primary School

Name Pegswood Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Andrew Waterfield
Address Longhirst Road, Morpeth, NE61 6XG
Phone Number 01670512834
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 158
Local Authority Northumberland
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Key Findings

This is a good school. Pupils make good progress because teaching is imaginative and exciting.

Behaviour is outstanding. The school is not yet outstanding because teaching is good and not all pupils are making rapid enough progress. Pupils achieve well to reach higher than expected attainment by the time they leave in Year 4.

Achievement in information and communication technology (ICT) is outstanding because the school provides an excellent range of meaningful opportunities for all pupils to develop their skills impressively. Teaching is good with some that is outstanding. Teachers provide stimulating, practical activities that are matched well to the different abilities in each class so that... all make good progress.

In most lessons, time is used effectively to give pupils enough opportunities to learn, but this is not always the case. Older pupils say that the best thing about the school is their teachers who help them a lot by writing comments in their books to help them to improve. These pupils could achieve even higher standards if they had more information about what they need to do to reach the next National Curriculum level.

The school has a nurturing atmosphere where every child is valued equally. Staff lead by example and relationships are exemplary. There are excellent systems in place to manage behaviour and pupils are happy and safe.

Pupils' attitudes to learning are exemplary. Leadership and management are good. The headteacher leads an enthusiastic team of staff who work enthusiastically to improve provision for pupils so that the curriculum makes an outstanding contribution to pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding.

While good monitoring and evaluation systems contribute well to the performance management of teachers, areas for development are not always focused well enough on the achievement of pupils or included in the school improvement plan.

Information about the school

Pegswood is smaller than the average-size first school. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is slightly higher than average, with a greater proportion in Year 2 and Year 3.

Most pupils come from White British backgrounds with a few pupils from other minority ethnic groups or who speak English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils supported by school action plus or who have a statement of special educational needs is similar to the national average. The school holds Healthy Schools status and the Activemark.

Inspection grades: 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory and 4 is inadequate Please turn to the glossary for a description of the grades and inspection terms

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