Percy Hedley School

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About Percy Hedley School

Name Percy Hedley School
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Dr John Steward
Address West Lane, Killingworth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE12 7BH
Phone Number 01912161811
Phase Special
Type Non-maintained special school
Age Range 3-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 155
Local Authority North Tyneside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils receive a rich and fulfilling education at Percy Hedley School. An unrelenting culture of ambition and care underpins all that happens in the school. Adults have high expectations for each pupil's academic learning and personal development.

Pupils are eager to meet these expectations.

All pupils at the school have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The school team work tirelessly to ensure that any barriers to learning are overcome.

Timely therapeutic care supports pupils to access their education. This enables pupils to achieve exceptionally well. Pupils are highly motivated and enthusiastic learners.

From early years onwar...ds, staff who understand the various ways in which pupils communicate, support pupils to express their thoughts and feelings. Pupils learn to interact with people and the world around them. When ready, pupils receive thoughtful support to move onto further education and employment.

The extensive personal development programme and tailored careers provision is aspirational for all pupils. This school is focused on giving pupils the very best start in life.

Staff and pupils are highly respectful of each other.

Pupils behave exceptionally well because they know exactly what is expected of them. The school is a calm and orderly place where pupils feel safe. Pupils learn to be proud of themselves and consistently strive to achieve their very best.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school identifies pupils' needs very well. This begins before pupils enter the school. Adults consider the available information about each pupil carefully.

This includes pupils' education, health and care plans. They ensure that pupils' communication, social and emotional and learning needs are met well.

Pupils study one of four pathways tailored to their specific needs.

The multi-disciplinary teams plan bespoke learning adaptations for each pupil. The ambitious curriculum supports all pupils and students to develop their independence. The school prepares pupils extremely well for their move into further education or employment.

A key strength of the school is the development of pupils' communication and interaction skills. From the early years, children learn to use different forms of communication confidently. For example, pupils learn to use signing, pictures and symbols to communicate effectively.

Pupils with more profound needs learn to use digital tools to make choices, such as eye-driven communication devices. Staff are highly proficient in teaching pupils to use these approaches. As a result, pupils have a means to express their preferences and feelings successfully.

The teaching of reading is a high priority. The school promotes pupils' love of reading by immersing children in the early years in stories, rhymes and poems. For pupils who are not ready to learn phonics, adults help them to recognise and respond to sounds.

When pupils are ready, they access a structured phonics approach that is adapted to meet their individual needs. As a result, pupils develop their understanding of phonics well. Over time, pupils become increasingly confident and fluent readers.

Staff are adept in supporting pupils' comprehension of texts. They introduce them to new words and the concepts that they represent.

Pupils behave exceptionally well in lessons.

They understand the school's well-established routines. Staff take time to discuss lesson transitions and to encourage pupils to take part in activities. They are highly successful in helping pupils, who need additional support, to regulate their emotions.

The school has a sharp focus on improving pupils' rates of attendance. The school's supportive actions are successful in encouraging pupils to attend school as often as they can. Most pupils attend regularly and on time.

Pupils' personal development is exceptional and preparation for adulthood threads through school life. Pupils receive impartial careers guidance. Transition events with parents, carers and pupils are valued highly.

They provide effective support in making informed decisions about pupils' next steps. Pupils undertake work placements and develop independent travel skills in the local community. The school is highly creative in nurturing the talents and interests of pupils.

They expose them to new experiences, such as taking part in the residential visit to the Lake District. Pupils develop confidence by participating in school productions and sporting activities.

Students in the sixth form study an ambitious curriculum that builds on prior learning.

This includes the option of academic courses with national accreditations. Subject specialists adapt and personalise the curriculum so that students learn well. Students relish in having their own identified area within school.

They develop a strong sense of purpose and belonging. Students interact well with each other in the social area. They also practise other life skills, such as making refreshments, independently.

Staff are proud to work at this school. They are very positive about the support they receive from leaders for their workload and well-being. Staff receive highly appropriate professional development and develop specialist expertise.

School leaders at all levels make a significant contribution to continual school improvement and innovation. Leaders and staff have worked to further improve aspects of the school following the previous inspection to the school in 2023.

The governing body has an excellent understanding both of the school and the needs of the local area.

Strategic investment has led to the recent creation of the early years unit. This is already providing younger children with an excellent start in life.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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