Perry Court E-ACT Academy

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About Perry Court E-ACT Academy

Name Perry Court E-ACT Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Kate Marsh
Address Great Hayles Road, Hengrove, BS14 0AX
Phone Number 01173772078
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 462
Local Authority Bristol, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Perry Court is a welcoming and friendly place to learn.

Pupils are confident and proud of their school. They speak positively of the 'Perry' rules and how they guide them to 'do the right thing'. For example, staff encourage pupils to think about others and about the difference they can make through their actions.

Older pupils enjoy the additional responsibilities as councillors and head boy and girl.

Leaders and staff create an environment where pupils feel listened to and valued. They promote pupils' health and mental well-being well, including those with complex needs.

Pupils know that adults will help them if they have any worries. As a result, t...hey feel safe in school.

Leaders have designed a curriculum that enables pupils to learn well and aim high.

They place a strong focus on pupils' personal development. Pupils talk knowledgeably about important topics, including equality and privacy. They are confident to challenge any form of discrimination.

Staff expect pupils to behave well and they do. Lessons flow smoothly with minimal disruption to learning. Bullying and unkind behaviour are very rare.

Parents and carers are overwhelmingly supportive of the school's work. Many praise the commitment and dedication of staff.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious for all pupils.

They have constructed a curriculum based on the essential knowledge and vocabulary they want pupils to learn. Teachers have thought carefully about how they deepen pupils' knowledge and skills over time. For example, in history, they build on what pupils have learned in the early years to develop historical concepts, such as chronology.

Leaders are not complacent. They continue to make improvements to the curriculum where they can. In mathematics, leaders have strengthened plans by breaking learning down into smaller steps.

Pupils say this makes it easier to understand new learning. In physical education, teachers skilfully adapt resources so that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) succeed. However, the implementation of the curriculum varies between subjects.

Some learning activities do not deepen pupils' understanding of important concepts. Where this is the case, pupils' knowledge and understanding are less well developed.

Recently, leaders introduced a new phonics programme.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge because they receive regular training. They make effective use of assessment information to identify pupils who need extra help. Staff match pupils' early reading books to the sounds they know.

This is beginning to help the youngest pupils read with greater accuracy and fluency.

Leaders place significant importance on reading. They have made efforts to promote reading for pleasure.

Staff introduce pupils to a range of different authors and stories. They check that pupils learn and understand new vocabulary. In the early years, children enjoy retelling stories, such as The Gingerbread Man, in their play.

However, leaders do not track pupils' independent reading choices well enough in key stage 2. Books are not sufficiently challenging for some pupils to help them become better readers.

Leaders accurately identify the needs of pupils with SEND.

Staff understand different ways to support pupils with the greatest needs. They provide prompt and effective support for children with speech and language difficulties. Well-trained staff ensure that pupils with social and emotional needs are given the precise help they need to thrive.

This includes regular 'check-ins' and 'social skills' work. Pupils, including those with SEND, have positive attitudes to their learning. They behave sensibly in lessons, at breakfast club and around the school.

Pupils are growing into confident and responsible members of their community. Teachers plan frequent opportunities to teach pupils about prejudice and equalities. For example, pupils know why it is important to challenge gender stereotypes.

Pupils understand they should treat people with respect regardless of difference.

Leaders encourage pupils to lead healthy and active lives. They plan many activities that pupils may not experience outside school.

These include residential trips, clubs and sports matches. Pupils enjoy these activities.

Trust leaders are knowledgeable about the school's work.

They know what is going well and what needs further improvement. They hold leaders to account effectively by asking challenging questions. Additionally, trust leaders consider staff workload, mental health and well-being.

Staff speak positively of the opportunities to learn and develop within the school and trust.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that it is everyone's responsibility to keep pupils safe.

Staff know how to report any safeguarding concerns. Leaders' record-keeping is thorough. Well-judged decisions ensure that pupils and families receive the help they need.

Additionally, leaders make effective use of the community hub to offer parents support and advice on a range of matters, including finances and attendance.

Pupils know how to keep themselves safe when using the internet. They understand the dangers of sharing personal information, and other risks, such as scams and fraud.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, the implementation of the curriculum is too variable. Some teachers do not consider the needs of all pupils well enough when planning activities. Leaders need to guide staff more closely to ensure that planned work is effective in enabling all pupils to further develop their knowledge of the curriculum.

• Leaders have not prioritised pupils' individual reading choices well enough, particularly in key stage 2. The books some pupils read are not suitably challenging to help them catch up with their peers. Leaders should check that teachers give pupils books they can enjoy that have the right level of challenge to develop their reading knowledge and skills.

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