Perrymount Primary School

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About Perrymount Primary School

Name Perrymount Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Christine Keen
Address Sunderland Road, Forest Hill, London, SE23 2PX
Phone Number 02086994522
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 207
Local Authority Lewisham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school. Pupils, including those who are disabled or special educational needs, are supported well so that they make good progress, with large proportions meeting or exceeding the nationally expected levels of attainment. Although pupils join Nursery and Reception classes with skills and abilities below the expected age, they are extremely well nurtured and taught so that they acquire skills quickly, particularly in reading and mathematics.

Since the previous inspection, the quality of teaching has improved greatly so that it is at least good. Teachers create a nurturing learning environment where all pupils are exceptionally well cared for. The quality o...f marking is excellent.

Pupils behave very well in lessons and around the school. Strong relationships exist between adults and pupils and between pupils and their peers; this ensures that all thrive in a stimulating environment. Pupils are happy at school.

They feel safe and attend school regularly. Since the last inspection, attendance has improved from below average to above average. The headteacher and governors communicate clear vision and a strong commitment to school improvement, which are shared by all staff.

The headteacher checks the school's performance carefully and identifies priority areas for further improvement accurately. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Pupils do not always have the opportunity to develop their writing skills across different subjects. There are few opportunities for pupils to assess each other's work so that they learn from each other.

Occasionally, teachers do not check the levels of pupils' progress in lessons often enough so that they can help pupils to make even better progress. Teachers do not always use information and communication technology skilfully to support pupils' learning.

Information about this school

Perrymount is an average-sized primary school.

The large majority of pupils come from minority ethnic heritages with no dominant group. The proportions of pupils who speak English as an additional language and those at the early stage of learning English are higher than found nationally. A larger than average proportion of pupils is known to be eligible for support through the pupil premium, additional funding provided by the government.

The proportion of pupils supported at school action is below the national average, but the proportion supported at school action plus or with a statement of special educational needs is above average. Most of these pupils have physical disabilities, autism, and speech, language and communication needs. Since the previous inspection, a number of teachers has left the school and new teachers have joined.

The school has physiotherapy and sensory therapy resources to meet the needs of some pupils who are disabled and have special education needs. The school works in partnership with a local university and has gained the Healthy School status. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress.

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