Phillimore Community Primary School

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About Phillimore Community Primary School

Name Phillimore Community Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Mrs Gillian Briggs
Address Phillimore Road, Darnall, Sheffield, S9 5EF
Phone Number 01142494036
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 443
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Phillimore Community Primary School is a safe, friendly school where pupils learn well. Staff have high expectations for how pupils behave and what they can achieve. Pupils usually engage well in lessons and enjoy learning.

Bullying is very rare. Staff respond quickly and effectively to concerns about bullying.

Children in the early years have a stimulating and supportive environment in which to learn and play.

Most children learn to read quickly. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive an effective education in a nurturing setting. They play a full role in the life of the school.

For example, pupils with SEND play bo...ccia, a paralympic sport that everyone can enjoy, in school. Pupils who speak English as an additional language (EAL) are supported well through interventions, such as pre-teaching new vocabulary and in-class help, where needed.

There is a range of clubs available to pupils.

This includes cheerleading, circus skills and gardening. The school has a well-deserved, excellent reputation for sports and physical education. Leaders are keen to expand their offer of clubs and wider educational experiences, particularly at key stage 1.

A range of educational visits helps staff to introduce pupils to aspects of the planned curriculum. For example, some visits are designed to immerse pupils within a historical period, which they go on to study further in the classroom.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is well planned.

Subject leaders sequence learning so that pupils revisit important knowledge. For Years 1 to 6, leaders have carefully identified the most important knowledge and skills that pupils should remember. Staff understand the small steps pupils need to take to develop and secure their learning.

Teachers address misconceptions well. In some subjects, the extent to which pupils remember the taught curriculum is inconsistent. For example, in mathematics, teachers do not consistently check pupils' understanding.

They sometimes move on to new learning too soon. Pupils do not have sufficient time to grasp concepts and practise processes.

Pupils with SEND are supported extremely well.

Staff are highly knowledgeable. They know how to support and challenge all pupils to achieve their best. Some pupils with complex needs attend 'Gruffalo', a room in school where they receive specialist support.

This support is very effective.

Pupils' attitudes to learning are positive. Lessons are purposeful.

Disruption to lessons is rare. Teachers address off-task behaviour quickly and effectively. At social times, pupils play well together.

There is a range of activities on offer, such as skipping and football.

In the early years, children are happy and safe. Children generally play well together.

Staff interact with children thoughtfully and deliberately develop children's vocabulary. Curriculum planning covers all the areas of learning that young children need, such as communication and social skills. However, leaders' planning sometimes lacks sufficient detail, especially in Nursery.

This planning is not clear enough about what children should learn and when. This means there are some gaps in children's knowledge.

Staff are well trained in early reading instruction.

Most pupils learn to read quickly. If a pupil needs extra support, they access well-run interventions to help them keep up.

Some pupils do not attend school regularly enough.

These pupils are not making the progress of which they are capable. Leaders have begun to address this important issue. There is a range of strategies in place, including regular contact with families.

Some strategies are new and therefore have not had an impact. Leadership at all levels is committed to ensuring that pupils attend well.

The curriculum for pupils' personal, social and health education is highly effective.

Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain. They learn about other faiths and cultures. They value and respect people from different backgrounds.

Shared values such as respect and equality are embedded. Pupils learn to communicate well with one another. This is particularly strong in key stage 2.

Pupils discuss topics, such as managing friendships, with maturity. They remember their learning well.

Governors and trustees have clear priorities for the school.

They support and challenge school leaders well. Governors monitor actions and interventions, such as the tutoring programme, to make sure that they are effective. Staff receive opportunities for appropriate training in, for example, curriculum design.

Staff morale is high.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders are experienced in their roles.

They know pupils and their families well. Pupils feel safe and supported. They have trusted adults in school to talk to.

Staff report any concerns about pupil well-being to leaders. Leaders take concerns seriously and act quickly. They involve other agencies, such as local authority children's services, where necessary.

Pupils are taught about how to stay safe in the community and online. They learn about mental health and managing feelings.

Leaders carry out checks to ensure staff and visitors are safe to be around children.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In the early years, the curriculum lacks sufficient detail about what children should learn and when. Children do not get the most out of some activities because staff are not clear enough about what the main learning should be. Leaders should ensure that planning makes purposes and end points clear and that it prepares pupils, especially children in Nursery, well for their next stage.

• In some subjects, assessment does not enable staff to check pupils' understanding securely enough. Staff sometimes move on to new learning before pupils are ready. Leaders should ensure that assessment enables staff to identify gaps and/or the next stage in pupils' learning.

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