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Pupils at Phoenix Academy have a thirst for knowledge.
They are keen to make the most of the wide variety of opportunities available to them at this school. Pupils value the culture of mutual respect that exists here. This makes them feel safe and happy.
Pupils start their day enthusiastically and are motivated to do well. For example, they appreciate the 'shoutouts' they receive for doing well during the day.
The school has exceptionally high expectations for pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
All pupils access a broad range of subjects. They achieve excellent outcomes. This prepares them well for the ...next stage of their education or employment.
In addition to the academic curriculum, pupils also take full advantage of the wider opportunities on offer in the school. For example, pupils in Year 7 to Year 9 attend at least one residential visit. These opportunities enhance pupils' social and independence skills.
Pupils, including students in the sixth form, behave in an exemplary manner. They listen carefully in lessons, both to teachers and to one another. They participate keenly in learning activities and rarely disrupt their own learning or that of others.
Corridors, the canteen and the playground are calm spaces for pupils to enjoy.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed a curriculum that is extremely ambitious for all its pupils. This includes a broad range of academic A-level subjects in the sixth form.
The school has thought carefully about the knowledge and skills it wants pupils to know and remember across all subject areas. In addition to this, the school has sequenced this knowledge in a way that allows pupils to build their understanding step by step over time. This allows pupils to understand increasingly difficult concepts as they progress through the curriculum.
The school has developed an approach to checking what pupils know and remember that is consistent and effective across all subjects, from Year 7 to Year 13. There are multiple opportunities during lessons for teachers to check for gaps in pupils' knowledge or misconceptions. If teachers identify any issues, they deal with them immediately.
This supports pupils to perform extremely well in public examinations.
The school swiftly identifies the needs of any pupils with SEND. Pupils' individual needs are recorded in their 'pupil passports'.
Teachers use these documents to make sure that they adapt their teaching so that pupils with SEND can participate fully in the lesson. Teachers highlight key vocabulary and knowledge that all pupils must know and remember. They check for understanding of this vocabulary throughout their lessons.
Some pupils receive support before the lesson to become familiar with the key vocabulary in advance. Pupils with SEND achieve well at this school, with many progressing to the sixth form to study A-level subjects.
Reading is a priority at this school.
The school quickly identifies any pupils who are struggling with reading and puts the necessary support in place. The school has trained staff to teach the decoding of the letters and their sounds to those pupils at the very early stages of reading. There is also support for those pupils who need to build their fluency and comprehension skills.
Pupils, and students in the sixth form, behave exceptionally well. They know the high expectations the school has for them, and they strive to meet these. Staff apply the behaviour routines consistently.
Pupils consider these to be fair. Pupils, and students in the sixth form, have good attendance. They arrive punctually, ready and eager to learn.
The school is very ambitious for pupils' wider experiences in school. Pupils' character is developed through a wide array of leadership and extra-curricular opportunities. All pupils participate in weekly sports clubs that are built into the school day.
They also make good use of other activities such as coding, dance, cooking and music. Sixth-form students value their 'library research curriculum' that prepares them well for academic study at university. Members of the school council are proud of their achievements, for example working with leaders to reopen the school library.
This is now a much-loved and well-used space in the school. The school provides all pupils with a comprehensive careers programme that prepares them well for life beyond school. This continues into the sixth form, where all students in Year 12 complete work experience.
Leaders, at all levels, have worked collaboratively to ensure that pupils achieve the ambitious goals they are set. The trust provides the school with support where necessary. In addition, the school makes a valuable contribution to the wider work of the trust.
Staff at all levels receive high-quality training and professional development. Staff say this improves their workload and allows them to focus on improving outcomes for pupils.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.