Phoenix St Peter Academy

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About Phoenix St Peter Academy

Name Phoenix St Peter Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Matthew Jordan
Address Enstone Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR33 0NE
Phone Number 01502574586
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 108
Local Authority Suffolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, including those new to the school, feel welcome in this happy, inclusive school.

They are safe and looked after well by staff. They flourish in this nurturing environment where the value of 'kindness' is at the heart of the school. The other school values of aspiration, courage and creativity are evident in pupils' daily actions and conduct.

Pupils respond positively to the high expectations set by the school. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), learn well across subjects. Pupils' learning is enhanced by a range of additional experiences and visits.

For example, pupils' understanding of local history is b...rought to life through a visit to historical buildings at the nearby seafront.

The school environment is calm and purposeful. Pupils are proud to belong to this school.

They understand the importance of positive behaviour. They are eager to help others and enjoy receiving recognition for good deeds such as 'nicely dones' or reward points. Pupils' positive behaviour supports their learning well.

Pupils have benefited greatly from the transformation in the school over recent years. Pupils and their parents value the education they receive. Pupils do well because highly effective leadership has improved all aspects of pupils' experience in school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed and embedded an ambitious curriculum. All subjects are planned carefully, and there is clear guidance about what pupils learn and in what order.

Children in Reception learn skills and knowledge effectively to help them understand the world around them.

Pupils across the school generally learn well.

Early reading skills start from the start of Reception. Staff deliver the phonics programme expertly.

Children build on their positive start in early years. This prepares them well to learn to read with fluency and understanding as they progress through the school. Pupils who fall behind in reading are given the help they need to catch up quickly.

Pupils have access to a well-stocked library. They enjoy reading books that match their reading ability and are compelled to read another. Class texts support and deepen learning in other areas of the curriculum.

Staff have the right skills and knowledge to teach the curriculum. This means pupils remember what they have been taught. For example, in mathematics, pupils manipulate their knowledge of number well to solve problems.

In other curriculum areas such as geography, history and science, pupils recall subject knowledge readily. For example, pupils in Years 5 and 6 understand the effects of air resistance building on previous learning about forces.

Teachers keep a close eye on pupils so they can assess whether there are gaps in previous learning.

Staff identify pupils with SEND accurately. Most of the time, pupils receive exactly the right support they need to learn well. A small number of pupils with SEND do not have activities adapted well enough to match their needs.

The school is working on improving adaptations to curriculum delivery needed for these few pupils.

The school has improved pupils' attendance markedly. The school promotes positive working relationships with families to remove barriers that stop pupils from coming to school.

The school is creative and tenacious in finding ways to reduce the number of pupils who are absent too often.

Pupils regulate their own behaviour well. In the early years, pupils learn to work together and take turns.

Pupils across the school are positive role models for their peers. There is little low-level disruption in lessons. Suspensions from school are rare.

The personal, social and health education curriculum ensures pupils learn how to keep themselves safe and healthy. They learn to be tolerant and understand people with different faiths or beliefs to their own. Pupils' cultural knowledge and social skills are enhanced by clubs and trips and participating in festivals and local community events.

The trust provides highly effective support and challenge to leaders of the school. After a period of staff turbulence causing a dip in standards, the school is now improved beyond recognition. Leaders provide much-needed stability and have built significant leadership capacity across the school.

Leaders at all levels are highly skilled. They review their work continually to ensure it has an impact on pupils' learning and well-being. This has led to rapid improvement in every aspect of the school's work.

The school looks after staff exceptionally well, including ensuring their workload is manageable. Highly motivated staff ensure pupils are served well in this school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• For a small number of pupils who find learning difficult, the school does not make sure that curriculum activities are consistently adapted to ensure learning is as effective as it could be. Therefore, this small number of pupils do not learn as well as they could. The trust should continue to improve this aspect of teaching so all pupils' learning across the curriculum is consistently secure.

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