Pimlico Primary

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About Pimlico Primary

Name Pimlico Primary
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Pav Chandhoke
Address Lupus Street, Westminster, London, SW1V 3AT
Phone Number 02078021909
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 352
Local Authority Westminster
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. The outstanding school has made an excellent start in the two years since it opened.

This is due to leaders and governors ensuring the school's vision and moral purpose are brought to life on a daily basis. The highly effective leadership of the Principal and Executive Principal has created an ambitious staff team who are united in support of the school. Senior leaders and governors are relentless in their drive to provide the best education possible.

They actively seek best practice nationally and internationally. They evaluate the school's work regularly to ensure it is constantly improving. The quality of teaching is outstandi...ng.

Teachers instil a love of learning in the pupils. They encourage pupils to be curious and not to be afraid of making mistakes. This supports pupils' learning and achievement extremely well.

The curriculum excites and motivates pupils. The pupils benefit from having specialist teachers in some subjects. Regular trips to places of interest deepen their understanding and strengthen their love of learning further.

From their starting points, pupils make outstanding progress. A higher proportion of Reception children reached a good level of development in 2014, compared to national averages. Standards in reading, writing and mathematics are above age-related expectations.

Provision in the early years is outstanding. Staff work together closely to track children's progress and provide activities to meet their needs. High expectations lead to children making rapid gains in their learning.

Pupils behave extremely well. A strong focus on good manners and courteous behaviour is evident. Pupils demonstrate positive attitudes and are highly supportive of each other.

Leaders and governors ensure policies and practices are in place to keep pupils safe. Parents and pupils are confident that the school is a safe place to learn and grow. Parents are highly supportive of the school's work.

They value the regular opportunities provided to work with the school. This enables them to support their child's learning with confidence. The advisory board has an excellent understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development.

The governors' main focus is on improving the provision and outcomes for pupils at the school, including for the most able. They provide rigorous challenge and considered support. Leaders and governors are developing their strategic vision to ensure the excellent provision is sustained and developed as the school continues to grow.

Information about this school

This free school opened in September 2013. It is part of Future Academies; a multi-academy trust responsible for one secondary and three primary schools in the local area. The school shares a site with Pimlico Academy.

It is much smaller than the average primary school. Currently, in its second year, there are two classes: one with Reception children and one with Year 1 pupils. All pupils attend full time.

There are no public examination results by which to measure the school's performance against the government's current floor standards. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is above average. The proportion of disabled pupils or those with special educational needs is above average.

Pupils come from a wide range of backgrounds. The school does not use alternative provision. The proportion of pupils who are eligible for pupil premium funding, which provides additional funding for pupils known to be eligible for free schools meals or in the care of the local authority, is above average.

Also at this postcode
Pimlico Nursery Camp Beaumont - Pimlico Holiplay Pimlico Primary Academy Pimlico Academy

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