Pine Green Academy

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About Pine Green Academy

Name Pine Green Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Daniel Hartley
Address Valley Park Campus, Cromer Gardens, Wolverhampton, WV6 0UB
Phone Number 01902551564
Phase Academy (special)
Type Academy special sponsor led
Age Range 7-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 116
Local Authority Wolverhampton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pine Green Academy has been on a transformational improvement.

Positive relationships are at the heart of the school. Staff believe in their pupils and pupils believe in themselves. As a result of this, pupils are confident, safe and happy.

The school environment is warm and welcoming. There is a calm and orderly atmosphere. Pupils are polite and respectful to staff and visitors.

Pupils know the behaviour that is expected of them. This means that low-level disruption is managed well.

Staff take time to understand the pupils' needs and interests.

Adapted resources help pupils access their learning. Personal interventions help pupils gain a de...eper understanding of themselves. As a result, the school's provision for pupils' personal development plays a major role in preparing them effectively for the future.

The school's work on careers is exceptional. Pupils take part in a range of work experience activities, including in retail, healthcare, animal care and automotive services. As a result of this, pupils have ambitions and are well prepared for adulthood.

Pupils achieve well. At the end of Year 11, pupils achieve a range of qualifications. These include entry level qualifications, BTEC National Diplomas and GCSEs.

All pupils move on to a positive destination, ranging from apprenticeships to college placements.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is ambitious, broad and balanced. The school has identified the precise knowledge and skills pupils need to remember.

Curriculum plans are progressive and build on prior knowledge. This means that teachers have a good understanding of what to teach. As a result of this, pupils achieve well.

The school offers a wide range of subjects. The topics that pupils learn are interesting and purposeful, meaning pupils engage well in lessons. For example, in primary, pupils learn about important people in our community.

In secondary, pupils learn about climate change and the function of our parliament.

The school has prioritised reading. Teachers receive regular training in teaching phonics, which they teach well.

Teachers check that pupils understand what they learn in phonics lessons. If pupils fall behind, they receive effective support to help them catch up. Pupils read with enjoyment and increasing fluency.

There are reward points for reading out loud in lessons. As a result of this, pupils make effective progress through the reading curriculum.

There is some variation in the teaching of the curriculum.

For example, the school does not check how well pupils have remembered the knowledge they have been taught in some instances. As a result of this, some pupils in some subject areas are not as secure in their learning.

The school's work on attendance is commendable.

Attendance continues to improve each year. The school's rewards system is motivating and encourages pupils to make good choices. As a result of this, pupil attendance has improved.

All pupils have opportunities to widen their interests and hobbies. The school has linked these experiences to the curriculum content and its ambitions. This work is exceptional.

Pupils experience archery lessons and rock climbing. A recent residential trip to London was a particular highlight for some pupils. As part of the trip, pupils visited a theatre, museum and football stadium.

As a result of this, pupils are given excellent opportunities to share experiences in the wider community.

The school's personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) curriculum is strong. Pupils have a secure understanding of how to stay safe online and offline.

In key stage 4, pupils take part in ethics and preparation for adulthood lessons. As a result of this, pupils are well prepared for adulthood.

Leaders are ambitious and have high expectations.

The trust has played an important role in the positive transformation of the school. However, the school does not have full oversight of the curriculum. This means that some subjects are not taught consistently across the school.

As a result of this, in some subjects, some pupils do not learn the curriculum content securely.

There is a positive staff culture. Staff feel supported in their well-being and workload.

Leaders have an open-door policy and provide purposeful training opportunities. As a result of this, staff feel valued and committed to the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school has not yet implemented its assessment strategy fully. As a result, in some subjects, some gaps in pupils' knowledge are not identified and addressed, and so remain. The school should ensure that its approach to assessment is implemented securely across all subjects so that teachers can accurately identify what pupils can remember and build on their prior knowledge.

• The school does not have oversight on how all aspects of the curriculum are being implemented. This means that, in some subject areas, some pupils are not remembering the curriculum securely. The school needs to ensure it has effective systems in place to accurately identify strengths and developmental areas across the curriculum.

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