Pinner High School

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About Pinner High School

Name Pinner High School
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Raj Patel
Address Beaulieu Drive, Pinner, HA5 1NB
Phone Number 02030960769
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1136
Local Authority Harrow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school The headteacher, leaders and governors have established an ethos of high aspirations. They leave no stone unturned in pursuit of excellence. Staff, parents and pupils are exceptionally positive about the school's work.

Governance is highly effective. Governors and trustees of the multi-academy trust support and challenge leaders to improve the school further. Pupils from all ability groups, disadvantaged pupils, and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make strong progress from their starting points.

Teachers use assessment particularly well to ensure that they provide pupils with appropriate work. Level...s of challenge are high and sustain pupils' strong progress. Just occasionally, the most able pupils do not receive sufficient challenge to achieve the progress of which they are capable.

Leaders' actions to address this are having a positive impact. Pupils' personal development is excellent. The promotion of pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is demonstrated through high-quality art, drama, music and sport.

Pupils show excellent attitudes to learning. There is a thirst for knowledge and an excitement about lessons. As a result, pupils enjoy school, attend regularly and are proud to be part of the school community.

The formal and wider curriculum ensures that pupils flourish academically while developing outstanding personal and social skills. Pupils value the wide range of activities available through the wider curriculum. Safeguarding is effective.

There is a consistently caring culture at the school. The overwhelming majority of teachers use excellent subject knowledge to plan learning so that pupils make strong progress. When, occasionally, teaching is less than outstanding, leaders provide support and training.

Information about this school

The school opened in September 2016. It is part of the Harrow Academies Trust. Currently, the school is smaller than the average-sized secondary school, with pupils in Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is below the national average. The proportion of pupils who receive support for SEND is similar to the national average. A higher proportion of pupils than average have an education, health and care plan.

The school has a specialist provision for pupils with autism spectrum disorder. The school uses alternative provision at The Jubilee Academy, Harrow. At the time of this inspection, no pupils attended alternative provision.

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