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They benefit from highly positive experiences and achieve exceptionally well. Pupils enjoy numerous opportunities to celebrate who they are and to be successful. They are expected to 'dream big, choose kindness and step up', which they do.
They have trusting relationships with each other and staff. Pupils' independence is nurtured in a supportive environment where everyone is kept safe.
Behaviour is excellent.
Pupils respond well to clear and consistently applied routines. They particularly enjoy the many rewards they receive for their hard work and achievements. Pupils play creatively and responsibly at breaktimes. .../> They are especially good at watching out for their own and others' safety. From an early age, pupils are encouraged to identify and manage their emotions constructively.
Pupils like so many things about their school.
A key strength is the way in which staff promote reading in a variety of imaginative ways. Pupils benefit from spending time in the school's well-stocked library. They enjoy regular visits to the local library, too.
Over time, pupils build up a broad repertoire of authors and genres.
Pupils learn to be responsible citizens through a range of activities and leadership roles. They raise money for charity, lead assemblies and work on school events.
Pupils develop excellent oracy skills. They are taught about the importance of strong and effective communication. They listen to each other, discuss ideas and express their opinions with confidence and respect.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has implemented a highly ambitious curriculum that reflects what is expected nationally. For example, in music, pupils are taught how to read a range of music and how to play different musical instruments. In geography, the curriculum enables pupils to build up a deep and secure knowledge of sustainability, alongside other subject content.
The curriculum in each subject is carefully structured. This allows pupils to learn new content in a logical order. For example, in early years, children begin to identify sounds they hear in songs, rhymes and stories.
They start to learn a range of new words. This all helps them when they move on to the school's phonics programme, where pupils learn to read and spell. Similarly, in mathematics, children in early years build an understanding of the value of different numbers.
This is built on when pupils move into Year 1 and apply this knowledge to a range of calculations. The school's computing curriculum allows pupils to build up their knowledge securely over time. For example, in Year 1, pupils learn the foundations of coding through programming robots to move in specific directions.
This is built on when they access more complex coding content in Years 3 to 6.
The school's reading programme is well embedded and successful. Highly trained expert staff deliver it with precision.
Staff identify quickly pupils who are at risk of falling behind. These pupils get the help they need to catch up. Over time, pupils build up their phonics knowledge to become fluent and confident readers.
Teachers use their expertise and subject knowledge to deliver the curriculum very effectively. Teachers present information carefully and set tasks that match the ambition of the curriculum. Staff ensure that pupils have a wide range of opportunities to practise and embed the subject content they have been taught.
Staff check that pupils have learned and remembered what they have been taught. Staff ensure that any misconceptions are corrected quickly and effectively. Pupils achieve highly across the curriculum and are very well prepared for the next stage of their education.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are fully included in all aspects of school life. Staff adapt teaching effectively to ensure that these pupils engage well and learn alongside their peers. Staff work very effectively with other professionals to ensure that, when necessary, pupils receive additional, specialist support.
Carefully designed learning activities enable pupils to access the curriculum and make progress toward their personalised targets. Staff are well trained in supporting pupils with SEND. Across the school, staff share their expertise effectively, including in the school's specially resourced provision.
Pupils' behaviour around the school is calm and orderly. Staff have high expectations right from the start of the Nursery. Throughout the school, pupils rise to these.
They respond particularly well to the well-established routines which help to create a positive environment in which to learn. The use of worry boxes, emotional regulation techniques, pastoral support and a focus on emotional well-being add to this supportive culture. Pupils are happy at school, and positive attendance figures reflect this.
The school's curriculum is thoughtfully enhanced by a range of experiences. For example, pupils benefit from visits to museums, art galleries and the theatre. Numerous clubs and activities support pupils to develop their talents and interests in sports, music, drama and art.
Pupils have a say in what happens in school. Leaders respond positively to these ideas. For example, the school now provides clubs such as animation and mini-skateboarding/construction club in response to pupils' suggestions.
The school's values infuse all activities. These help to promote pupils' understanding of themes such as resilience, compassion and responsibility, for example. Staff make the most of opportunities to help pupils to learn about others.
For example, the school's personal, social and health education programme provides pupils with opportunities to learn about different families, faiths and cultures.
Leaders, including those responsible for governance, work together very effectively to maintain high standards of learning and behaviour throughout the school. Leaders at all levels are relentlessly ambitious and are always seeking ways to further improve the school.
The school works hard to support others, too. For example, leaders share practice with other schools in the local authority. Leaders take staff's well-being seriously.
Staff feel well supported. Parents and carers are extremely positive about all that the school does for their children.