Pitsford School

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About Pitsford School

Name Pitsford School
Website http://www.pitsfordschool.com
Headmaster Dr Craig Walker
Address Moulton Road, Northampton, NN6 9AX
Phone Number 01604880306
Type Independent
Type Other independent school
Age Range 3-19
Religious Character Christian
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 225
Local Authority West Northamptonshire
Boarding Type Day
Day Fees £1,993 to £5,552

Pitsford School is a small, independent, co-educational school for pupils aged 3-18. As a small school each pupil receives individual attention in order for them to reach their maximum potential. The School’’s aim is to prepare each pupil for their next step in life, whether that is University, a Gap Year or entering into the world of work. Pitsford School pupils achieve excellent results every year - academically, socially and morally.

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