Pool-in-Wharfedale Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

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About Pool-in-Wharfedale Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

Name Pool-in-Wharfedale Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
Website http://www.pool-in-wharfedale-leeds.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Claire Taylor
Address Arthington Lane, Pool-in-Wharfedale, Otley, LS21 1LG
Phone Number 01132843151
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 195
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders, including governors, have successfully steered the school through a period of instability. As a result, effective action is being taken to halt a period of decline in the quality of teaching and pupils' outcomes.

Leaders use knowledge and research to make improvements to the curriculum and to teaching. This is having a good impact on pupils' progress. The curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to develop knowledge and skills in subjects other than English and mathematics.

Governors are a school strength. They challenge senior and middle leaders. However, until recently, assessment information has not been useful enough to i...mprove standards, particularly at key stage 1.

Pupils' personal development and welfare are outstanding. The staff's work around the mental health and well-being for pupils and staff is exceptional. Leaders, including governors, have created a school whose nurturing Christian ethos permeates the entire school community.

Children in the early years make a good start to their school life. Over time, the proportion of children achieving a good level of development, by the time they leave Reception, has been consistently above the national average. Behaviour in the school is good.

Pupils get on well together in the playground, move around school calmly and are very polite. Attendance is good and very few pupils regularly miss school. Pupils say that they feel safe and happy in school.

Parents and carers overwhelmingly agreed. Teachers have good subject knowledge. This is particularly the case in mathematics, where teachers plan well to meet pupils' learning needs.

They use questions skilfully to check what pupils have learned. However, teachers' questioning does not consistently allow pupils to think more deeply about their learning in other subjects. Assessment information is not consistently used to challenge all pupils to reach the highest standards.

Current pupils' books show that they are making good progress. However, at key stage 1, some pupils do not receive the challenge they need.

Information about this school

Pool-in-Wharfedale is a smaller than average-sized primary school.

It has one form entry starting in Reception. The school runs a breakfast provision. Most pupils are White British.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is well below the national average. The proportion of pupils with SEND, including those with an education, health and care plan, is average. The school has been awarded Healthy School status, Mind Mate Friendly status and Leeds Music Education Partnership Champion School.

Also at this postcode
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