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Poppyfield Primary Academy is a school at the heart of the community. Pupils arrive happily every day because dedicated and caring staff ensure that they feel safe in school, feel cared for and that learning is an enjoyable experience.
This starts in the early years, where children settle quickly and get off to an exceptional start with their education. A typical comment from parents and carers is that they 'couldn't ask for more'. It reflects the high regard they have for the school.
Pupils' behaviour is impeccable. They treat each other routinely with respect and kindness. Behaviour in lessons is exemplary.
No pupil is distracted from learning, and they sho...w excellent levels of interest and engagement in all they do.
The school has high ambitions that all pupils achieve as well as they can. This is realised very well in many subjects.'
Challenge packs' ignite an interest in learning and pupils talk confidently and articulately about all they know.
The school has introduced innovative and varied ways for pupils to engage with the local community. Pupils understand they can make a difference.
Their voices are always listened to. The school does all it can to develop active, interested and responsible citizens of the future.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Children in the early years show excellent levels of perseverance, independence and cooperation.
Interesting and varied learning opportunities support children to concentrate impressively well. There is a strong focus on developing communication and language. This is effective.
Children talk confidently and eagerly about tasks they are engaged in. Staff are highly skilled in supporting pupils when needed but knowing when not to interrupt the children's own problem-solving discussions unless necessary.
The expert teaching of phonics supports this further.
The school wastes no time in teaching pupils the skills of early reading. This includes pupils in nursery, if staff identify children who are ready. Staff receive training that supports them to teach phonics well.
Targeted teaching to pupils' precise needs ensures that they make the progress they are capable of. Careful identification of pupils at risk of falling behind ensures that they receive extra support swiftly.
Many other areas of the curriculum are effective in helping pupils realise its intentions.
Approaches to improving pupils' speaking and listening in lessons are developed well. Pupils are encouraged to expand on answers and challenge responses in a safe and appropriate way. However, in a small number of subjects, the school has not identified precisely what pupils should know and remember when they reach the end of units of work.
This means staff are not able to identify what pupils understand.The school places a high priority on the care and nurture they provide for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Every effort is taken to ensure that these pupils are supported and included.
This is reflected in how settled and confident the pupils are. However, activities in lessons are not always adapted effectively to ensure that these pupils make as much progress as possible.
Pupils are taught exceptionally well about being respectful, celebrating differences and valuing them.
The school's values of unity, integrity, courage, curiosity and excellence are visible in all the pupils say and do. They understand them well. Pupils have a clear sense of right and wrong.
They contribute to the local community in meaningful ways. This includes making excellent links with the local care home, petitioning the local member of parliament for a zebra crossing, planting trees in the local area and placing bird boxes in the school grounds to encourage birds on site. They learn incredibly well from the local environment and impact positively on protecting and improving it.
Pupils benefit from a wide range of visitors to school, as well as trips and visits outside of school. This further develops their understanding of the world they live in. The school council suggests charities they would like to support.
The school does all it can to encourage this, involving the whole community.
The school is led with passion and dedication and with an impressive vision for creating the type of educational establishment they want it to be. Pupils are extremely proud of their school.
It is clear to see why. Staff are proud of the school too. They feel valued and cared for because they are.
This includes by the trust, and the academy council, whose members support the school to be the highly effective and happy place it is. They have a very positive impact on its development and success.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The school has not ensured that assessment is used well enough in a small number of foundation subjects. This means it is not clear if pupils have understood the planned curriculum. The school should ensure that each subject has clearly defined expectations of attainment so pupils' understanding can be assessed effectively.
• For some pupils with SEND, the school has not ensured that adaptations in teaching are effective enough. This means pupils do not progress as well as they might. The school should ensure that all lessons are adapted effectively so pupils can achieve the individual targets they are working towards.