Portway Infant School

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About Portway Infant School

Name Portway Infant School
Website http://www.portwayinfant.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Sara Allen
Address Ashfield Road, Andover, SP10 3PE
Phone Number 01264323716
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 5-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 272
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school? '

Portway Infants is a phenomenal school.'

This was a response to the Ofsted Parent View survey and an opinion shared by many parents. It accurately describes what it is like to be a pupil at this school. Pupils flourish because of the high aspirations set for their learning and personal development.

The school relentlessly focus on developing pupils' strong numeracy and literacy skills. Consequently, pupils learn exceptionally well through the broad and exciting curriculum.

The ethos of 'happy children learn best' permeates through school life.

Pupils enjoy school and feel secure and safe. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They are remarkably polite a...nd kind to one another.

From the moment children start in Reception, routines are well established. This means pupils' learning is maximised and friendships are nurtured.

Pupils play an active role in school life.

They value assuming roles of responsibility such as being part of the school and eco councils. The 'community champions' initiative helps foster pupils' sense of duty to their school and local area. Leaders carefully consider opportunities to nurture pupils' individual talents and interests.

Additional support is swiftly provided to every pupil. This support extends to families who are provided with a listening ear, advice or holiday activities when these are needed.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is exceptionally well constructed.

It is frequently reviewed to ensure teaching is well-matched to children's starting points. The school has precisely identified the key knowledge, skills and vocabulary that they want pupils to learn. Learning is thoughtfully ordered to ensure understanding builds progressively over time.

Disadvantaged pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive expert support to learn well. Their individual needs are identified at an early stage. The school works collaboratively with parents to ensure they get all the help they need to succeed.

Staff confidently deliver the intended curriculum across all subjects. They explain links between subjects and across year groups to help pupils secure long-term understanding. Regular checking of what pupils know ensures that any gaps in knowledge are picked up on and addressed quickly.

Consequently, pupils make rapid gains in their learning and achieve highly. The school actively supports pupils' transition to junior school to ensure this is as smooth as possible.

Stories sit at the heart of the school's curriculum.

Pupils love to hear and read the exciting books on offer. Visiting authors, poets and illustrators help bring these to life for pupils. The school's chosen phonics scheme is taught consistently well.

This helps pupils to build knowledge of an increasing array of sounds and words, right from the start of Reception. Staff systematically check which sounds pupils have learned. Those who need a little extra help with their reading benefit from high- quality interventions.

This helps them to rapidly catch up with their peers and become confident and fluent readers.

The early years area is an inspiring setting. There is high aspiration for children to develop into happy, engaged individuals who love learning.

The environment is full of engaging and exciting activities that have been skilfully set up to enable children to practice their learning. Children discover new skills, playing co-operatively and sharing resources well with their peers. The school's 'steps to success' assessment approach motivates children to try their best and develop resilience.

Children are comprehensively prepared for the next stages of their education.

Pupils' behaviour is excellent. They focus diligently within their lessons.

Pupils recognise that some of their peers may occasionally need extra assistance to regulate their feelings and emotions. Adults support these pupils very well. School attendance is high.

Leaders work tirelessly to promote the importance of regular attendance. The take effective action to support families when attendance drops.

The school's programme for personal development is extremely effective.

Pupils build a firm understanding of the importance of tolerance and respect. 'Far away Friday's' help pupils to learn about different countries and cultures. Frequent discussions about well-known stories provides opportunities to hear others' points of view, developing empathy in doing so.

The rich extra-curricular programme is highly valued by pupils and parents alike. The school ensures as many pupils as possible benefit from the many varied experiences including games and puzzle club, country dancing, athletics and library club.

School leaders are unwavering in their determination to provide the very best education to all pupils.

Their 'even better if' approach ensures there is a constant drive to reflect on and enhance the school's offer. The school actively supports other schools in the local area, sharing their excellent practice and further refining their own approaches.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Also at this postcode
KOOSA Kids Holiday Club at Portway Infant School, Andover

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