Potley Hill Primary School

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About Potley Hill Primary School

Name Potley Hill Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Brent Ellis
Address Potley Hill Road, Yateley, GU46 6AG
Phone Number 01252876106
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 224
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The motto 'dream big, aim high and make a difference' is enacted by the whole school community. Pupils are happy at school and take pride in their achievements. They are well cared for by the school staff, who help them if they ever have any worries.

This means that pupils feel safe and settled in their school environment. They arrive at school enthusiastic for the day ahead.

Staff have high expectations for pupils.

Pupils live up to these expectations. They follow the school rules and work hard in lessons, achieving well in much of their learning. During social times, pupils from different year groups interact well together, developing positive and supportiv...e relationships.

Pupils participate in a range of fun activities during breaktimes. These include football, colouring and playing on the popular adventure playground.

Pupils enjoy their opportunities to learn about the world beyond Potley Hill.

These include residential trips and meeting visitors, who help pupils to make links with their learning beyond school. Pupils benefit from the part they play in community events, such as litter picking and Christmas events at the local church. The annual careers day allows pupils to build aspirations for their future.

Pupils enjoy the after-school activities on offer, including the popular space club.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has high ambition for all pupils. In most curriculum subjects, there is clarity about what pupils need to learn and in what order.

This means that in many subjects, pupils achieve well and are prepared for their next steps. There are a small number of subjects where the learning journey is less clearly defined. This sometimes affects pupils' ability to identify their essential learning and what they need to remember.

Pupils are confident and skilled readers. Staff teach younger pupils to read using a phonics-based approach. Pupils use their knowledge of letter sounds to break down words and read them with increasing fluency.

A love of reading is promoted across the school. Pupils enjoy their 'book talk' lessons and the many opportunities to explore books and listen to stories. They use their detailed analysis of texts to explore authors' grammatical structure and language.

Pupils then apply this knowledge well in their own written work.

Recent work to improve the teaching of mathematics has had a positive impact. Pupils have many opportunities to practise and build their number fluency.

They apply these skills in their mathematical reasoning and problem-solving activities. Teachers routinely recap previous learning and demonstrate efficient calculation methods. This means that pupils have strong recall of what they have learned before and are successful in their new learning.

Children are happy and settled in early years. They are cared for by their kind staff, who take the time to get to know them well. The curriculum is shaped around their interests as well as including what they must learn to prepare them for Year 1.

There are many activities for children to explore, including a well-stocked reading area that reminds children about the stories they have listened to. However, there are sometimes activities where the intended learning is not clear to children. This means that they are less likely to engage with these activities and learn.

The school has highly effective strategies to identify and support any pupils who need extra help with their learning. Teachers use their strong questioning skills to check for gaps in pupils' learning. Pre-teaching sessions and interventions are successful at addressing any gaps.

This includes carefully tailored support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, allowing them to achieve well.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They enjoy the school's many celebrations that mark their achievements.

Pupils know the school values well, and these thread through their actions and learning. Older pupils are superb role models. They develop extremely strong and positive relationships with younger children through the buddy system and as play leaders.

Pupils have high levels of attendance. This is because the school supports families well and promotes the benefits of regular attendance. Pupils want to come to school because they enjoy their learning.

The school ensures that pupils benefit from many wider opportunities. Pupils relish their responsibilities through leadership roles, which include team captains, road safety officers and school councillors. As a result, pupil voice is strong and contributes to school decision-making.

There are a wide range of support systems available for pupils who need extra help and nurture. These include access to additional services, such as play therapy and canine-assisted learning.

Staff are proud to be part of the school team.

They appreciate their wide-ranging development opportunities and the consideration given to their workload and well-being. There is a shared passion to enact the school's vision and ensure that everyone does make a difference.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few foundation subjects, the curriculum does not clearly identify the key knowledge and skills that pupils need to learn. This means that pupils do not always learn as well as they should. The school should continue to develop a clearly sequenced curriculum in all subjects, which allows pupils to be well prepared for their next educational steps.

In early years, activities do not always have a clear learning focus. This means that children do not make the most of them to consolidate and deepen their learning. The school should ensure that all activities support children with their learning.

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