Primrose Lane Primary School

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About Primrose Lane Primary School

Name Primrose Lane Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Annie Sherrard
Address Cunningham Road, Yeovil, BA21 5FH
Phone Number 01935475693
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 243
Local Authority Somerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school The head of school and assistant headteacher form a highly effective partnership, which is sustaining a relentless pursuit of the highest standards.

They are strongly supported by leaders of the Huish Academy Trust in maintaining the successful growth of the school. Leaders' strategic appointment of staff and precise use of professional development to enhance their skills has been crucial in securing outstanding teaching. Leaders and teachers are unwavering in their ambition for pupils to make the very best of their talents.

Staff are diligent in getting to know pupils from the moment they arrive. The school's success in overcomin...g individual barriers to learning has led to pupils making outstanding progress during their time at Primrose Lane. Leaders and teachers have an excellent impact on pupils' achievement.

The quality of pupils' work and their eagerness to learn provide compelling evidence of their ongoing academic success. Since the school opened, many pupils have entered the school other than at the usual time. Once at Primrose Lane, excellent teaching and support means that these pupils make strong progress.

Leaders and staff ensure that the culture of safeguarding throughout the school is extremely strong. Consequently, pupils feel very safe and well cared for, and parents overwhelmingly agree. Leaders and staff have worked closely as a team to design a stimulating curriculum that enthuses pupils and caters very effectively for their needs.

Within each topic, teachers place a careful emphasis on deepening pupils' understanding of what they are learning. Leaders use additional funds very efficiently. This enables staff to sustain highly effective support for disadvantaged pupils and for those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

As a result, pupils make strong progress from their different starting points. Pupils flourish. They love coming to school and behave extremely well.

They have excellent relationships with each other and with staff. Pupils are polite and very proud of their school. Pupils write expressively to a high standard for their age.

At times, incorrect spelling of the complex words they use to enrich their writing clouds the quality of their work. Exemplary leadership, teaching and support in the pre-school and Reception classes ensure an excellent start to the children's education.

Information about this school

Primrose Lane Primary School was founded and became part of the Huish Academy Trust in September 2016.

The Huish Academy Trust also includes Huish Primary School. This school was originally sited at Huish Primary School, prior to moving to a new school building in June 2017. An executive headteacher oversees the work of both schools.

Each school has its own head of school and local governing board. Primrose Lane is a growing school. Currently, it has four classes, namely a pre-school known as 'Little Learners', a Reception class and Year 1 class and a Years 2 and 3 class.

Currently, it is well below size of an average-sized primary school. Children experience early years provision part time in a pre-school class and full time in a Reception class. The majority of the pupils are from White British backgrounds.

The percentage of pupils who speak English as an additional language is lower than the national level. The percentage of pupils with SEND is below average. The proportion of pupils who are disadvantaged broadly matches the national average.

The proportion of pupils who join the school other than at the usual time is above that found nationally. The school accommodates a number of pupils from service families. The governing body manages the pre-school and a breakfast club.

Also at this postcode
Primrose Lane ASC Premier Wraparound @ Primrose

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