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Priors Field Primary School continues to be a good school.
What is it like to attend this school?
This is a small primary school with a strong community spirit. The school values of 'equality, respect, kindness' are at the heart of the school. As a result, pupils show great care and respect towards others.
Teachers set high expectations for pupils' learning. Pupils rise to this. They try hard, help each other, and they share a strong sense of pride in their school.
Behaviour is good. Pupils are taught to take responsibility for their school. They do this exceptionally well.
Pupils are polite and well mannered. They say that there is no bullying but 'if anyone is a... bit mean, teachers act quickly to help sort things out.' Pupils feel safe and well cared for.
The fields and grounds are a special feature of the school. Teachers take every opportunity to use the outdoor environment to bring learning to life. Pupils talk enthusiastically about their science investigations on the field and by the stream.
They are excited and curious about animals, such as badgers and deer, captured on the school's wildlife camera. These activities encourage a love of learning and open pupils' eyes to the world in which they live.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Everyone works together with a clear sense of purpose.
Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum that is carefully planned. Subject leaders have identified the key knowledge and skills that they want pupils to have mastered by particular points in time. Staff feel very well supported and appreciate the leaders' purposeful approach to assessment.
Teachers know and understand each pupil. They make sure that all pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) do well. Most parents of pupils with SEND are positive about the support provided by school.
During the inspection, many parents shared personal examples of how well their children with particular needs are supported. Parents' comments include, 'This is a special place where all children are valued and can flourish.' This is illustrated in pupils' high achievements by the time they leave the school.
Subjects are sometimes linked into 'topics'. These are carefully planned to make sure that pupils build on subject knowledge and skills from previous learning. For example, Year 4 pupils greatly enjoyed their recent visit to Kenilworth Castle as part of 'The Tudors', and confidently discuss ideas, such as 'power' and 'religion'.
Leaders have established an effective whole-school approach to mathematics, beginning in the early years. There is a strong focus on using practical resources to support pupils' understanding of abstract concepts. This approach is followed throughout the school.
In Reception class, children choose mathematical equipment to help them to talk about and build on their understanding of numbers.Leaders make sure that there is a strong focus on learning to read. Teachers read to pupils every day.
They choose books from popular children's authors and illustrators. Pupils are beginning to recognise and recommend favourite authors.Teaching phonics (the sounds that letters make) starts quickly in Reception.
Teachers have high expectations and teach phonics well. They encourage pupils to use phonics skills to help them to read and write. Teachers make sure that pupils who are falling behind are given extra time and support.
Nearly all pupils are successful in reaching the expected standard in the national phonics check in Year 1.However, many early home–school reading books are not well-matched to the school's phonics programme. Parents do not always understand how to support their children to practise their phonic skills and become confident and fluent in their reading.
Pupils regularly take part in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) projects with other schools. In a recent project, pupils were challenged to design, create and fly a glider. Activities like this mean that pupils' experiences are broad and help to prepare them well for future learning.
One pupil commented that, 'This science project has set me up for life, I don't ever want it to end.'
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
All staff, including lunchtime staff, prioritise pupils' safety.
Staff value the training that they receive and the regular safeguarding updates. Leaders work with the local authority and other agencies to make sure that pupils who may be vulnerable are kept safe.
The curriculum is carefully planned to make sure that pupils know how to recognise and avoid risk.
For example, pupils confidently talk about safety online and the sensible use of social media. Pupils say that they feel very safe, secure and 'cared for' in the school.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
At times, pupils' early home–school reading books contain too many words and sounds that pupils do not know.
Leaders should ensure that all early home–school reading books are well-matched to pupils' phonic knowledge and skills. . Leaders should make sure that the school's approach to teaching early reading is clear to parents.
Information about the school's phonics programme and the school's home–school reading books should be updated on the school website. Leaders need to provide support so that parents understand how to help their children to practice reading and build children's confidence and fluency.
When we have judged a school to be good we will then normally go into the school about once every four years to confirm that the school remains good.
This is called a section 8 inspection of a good school or non-exempt outstanding school. We do not give graded judgements on a section 8 inspection. However, if we find some evidence that the school could now be better than good or that standards may be declining, then the next inspection will be a section 5 inspection.
Usually this is within one to two years of the date of the section 8 inspection. If we have serious concerns about safeguarding, behaviour or the quality of education, we will convert the section 8 inspection to a section 5 inspection immediately.
This is the first section 8 inspection since we judged Priors Field Primary School to be good on 16–17 April 2015.